
mellon collie

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Hi all...It's me, all the way from India. I've been waiting and waiting for September coos' its the month I finally move to England. My computer (sigh sigh, R I P) blew up a week ago so i've been a little out of it.

Im moving to the Uni at Warwick, for 3 years. Woohoo. i finally decied to look around for parties, gatherings, whatever. Im a little disapointed cos' i dont see the sort of artists i like playing enough in the UK (where are the danes? ) and the fact that indoor parties just suck. SUCK SUCK SUCK. Coming from here, where everyweekend was a nice party, not too big, outside ...good sound, nice soft ground for stamping...you get the drift?

Maybe this is too long and everyone quit reading a while ago. PROBABLY

SO come on, help me out. parties,OUTDOORS. good dark music.

NAMASTE again,,and a big big boom from all the way over here .
(*evil grin in place*))

Kidha, tikh hai?

Welcome to the psy-forum :D lots of fun to be had here mate :party2:
Hi mellon & :welcome: to the forum - you'll find more parties here than you can wave a reasonably large stick at ;)

yay a mention of Danes :)

next we will be weaving trousers of bacon, skating on lurpak -giving each other Lego and eating spunk liquorice!!
:juggle: :blink:

Welcome! I hope your studies go well and that you will find parties that you like - shame you are coming in September esepcially since you dont like indoor parties - it started to get cold ya know!


xx to ferretness and BEYOND!!! xx