Physics and coke


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I'm posting for my first time here cos the fairy told me too. She has fairy wings and everything. Even really bright colourful furry car seats. She must be a fairy. Anyhoo, I'm not a fairy.
Well hello. I wonder what is in this psychedelic world. Lord knows I'll find out. I see one can buy mushrooms. Why not just go shrooming? Plenty of good places around the forest. Closed cups are great. I'm a boletus man, myself. But fly agarics and liberty caps have their uses too. Well, that's enough of poison, having said hello once, and now in total twice, I shall say good bye twice. Goodbye!

Ed, the non-fairy
Wiley Peyote said:
er, yes....welcome ed
welcome home

Why does this remind me of that sticker people put by their desks:
"You don't have to be mad to work here - but it helps"?

Welcome indeed Ed! I have never understood this obsession with fairies. I thought it was all about pushing the boundaries of perception myself :unsure: . If you like psytrance, you're in the right place mate!
Sounds like psychedelic acid fairy has been out recruiting in her psychdelic fluffmobile! :lol: Welcome Ed :D