
Cheers your mum. Love CHristian J stuff and your right About Stirfry, Classsique!!

Are you your mum off Word.
ive said it a kabillion times before - backroom beats, twisted records side label
more dubby influenced, but def no 4:4 kick, all breaks

botchit n scarper label
not really psychedelic but some nice breaks

pitch black - dubby psy breaks
atomic hooligan - sort of psy but not really, still some wicked breaks
check Hydrophonic's recent album, track 9 is a corker !!


do u mean Track 8? :)

Did you also check out tsuyoshi and nick taylor i think if i remember rightly they were called 'snake thing' and some of the joujouka tracks have breaks. Ubar tumar the other half of joujouka makes some real psychedlic break stuff if you can find it :punk:
liquid ross said:
new album out on Timecode (south africa) ... 'Broken' is full of breaks with some deep psychedelic grooves, some tracks on the album are a lot better than others ... Broken Toy stands out ...

i agree.... ive just got that myself.
Hoping that it would be more 4 to the floor with breaky breakdowns and chunky analog bass, like... erm... dare i say it.....speed garage <but with more typical, nicely produced sounds>
its got really phat tracks (personnally enjoyed the Tone Deaf Junkies <track 4>, nice cheery vibe), and the production all the way through is great sounding.

But i cant differenciate what makes it more 'psy' than other older breaks.
Fair theres loads of layers which is nice, but with generally lesser complicated snares and hi-hats. In general the whole album just seemed like a set from Hybrid's 99-2000 hardbox or even like some of the stuff Rennie Pilgrim was doin earlier than that. Nothin new other than its made by psy artists trying a new-ish style.

personally i really enjoy both psy and breaks but until the fusion has been explored a little bit further im gonna stick to one or the other.
although, saying that ive been listening to: Prometheus- Robot-o-chan, on Twisted. a lot recently. Its a bit undescribable with tunes ranging from psy thru breaks and loadsa interesting sounds going on all the way through.

peace. N
timecode released a purely psy-breaks album last week

i was gonna buy it but ran outta cashish after buying too much other music
im very very intrigued to hear it, im sure its fat and filthy, like timecode usually are
it will b coming through my postie box sooooooon!

here is more:
midtempo breaktrance/alternate from 2 young producers from israel. influenced bu f l a & depeche mode? the cd ranges from ambient / dub & chilled grooves to hard jungle & hard electro beats. file under experimental electronic psychedelia.

SELECTED HIGHS CD [Various Artists] --> 21-3
ELASTIC CD [Various Artists] --> 21-3
yes! thanks to 21-3 , we managed to get hold of this beauty. one of the most pukka labels ever have sorted us out with their last few copies of a wicked breaktrance cd from back in the day when trance had an open mind.

drezz returns with twisted psy & breaktrance with its roots in the english west country. would be just as happy though in australia on the demon tea label, now you will understand how twisted and psychedelic this release is. madness drez man.

all available at

hope that helps? :) ;)
some intresting sounds on that broken album, some of the tracks do lack that energy psy trance carries around but dosent seem too bad! pity psy shop labed this psy trance however i might grab a copy real soon! Well spotted Elysium!

have a listensome splices here:

Seems at though the sound that psy breaks has is more of a thin/atmospheric sound though, id like some psy breaks that has some welly in it! Like hard phat basses with nice rolling chuncky beats! I write breaks, get most of my ideas from psy trance. Im still trying to find a nice balance between the 2 though!
If anyone cares to listen to somthing i have made click here please!:
Like i said im still grafting and trying to come up with a nice balance! This track shows my light side!

I think the REAL psychedelicbreaks era is still to come. This is the gap in styles which isn't filled properly yet. ofcourse some tracks match both the terms 'psychedelic' and 'breaks', but all in all there isn't much choise... yet!

Let's all chant with the new spirits that come and mashup the whole thing
into other streams :!:

keep pioneeringggg!
there used to be loads a psy breaks bak in 1998/9

check broken it is amazing
eat static come out wiv sum phat beats occasionally- check science of the gods album(electrionca ish) a track on eros records 'i wont dance' comp.....heavy technoid nuskool at it best imo!!!
Check "In Depth" from Israel, former "Depth of Despair", on Spiritual Beings records. amazing Psy Breaks producer and resident of Luna Club in Haifa. A very young talent for this genre.
DJJD said:
Anyone know of any producers and or DJ's that produce Psy-Breakbeats?? I love the clarity of Psy production sound, but also am totally hooked on filthy breakbeats. Any cross-over would be majik to my ears.

Dorset Perception and a few tunes by a guy called 'Fat Hippie' are really good but thats about as far as my tunes/sets go into psychedelica at the moment!! Any help or recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks.

PS - Prob wrong forum, apologies Im new!!!

Right, for Psy breaks you may need the following............

V/A - ELASTIC (21/3 Records)
V/A - UNKNOWN BOUNDRIES (21/3 Records)

for a starter, and try these artists.............

Kaya Project, Waterjuice, Shakatura, Fourier Wave Device, A lot of psytrance artist albums have the odd breakbeat track on or dub (Quadra - 'Ecstasy Of Revelation' for example or Kooler - 'Freefall' are typical) I have a psybreals library and if any of this info helps I will post up a 20 track breaks list. of various artists........... one of my favourite Psybreaks tunes is Germinating Seeds Of DODA - Upside Din, which can be found on the above 21/3 compilation albums
