PSY - Vinyl for sale ......


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Hey Guys !!!!

Its time for me to part with my beloved record collection <sigh>

Its is something I need to do to pay off credit cards etc. so I can provide a home for my young family ( have baby due in january :tongue1: )

I guess I will have to create a list a some stage and post links - which I will do.

Really wanted to see if there were any psy vinyl collectors on this board that wanted fisrt dibs on anything ....... any requests or wants lists please PM me.

Goes back to around 94 / 95 - not been bying vinyl since around 2000 / 2001 now though - dont even have any decks any more !! Replaced by CDJ's .........

Alot of TIP, Matsuri, Flying Rhino albums are there ..... and loads more ... any questions or any interest at all please PM me for a phone number !

thanks guys Jamez xxx
A BABY !!!!!!!!!! :o

Congratulations Jamiz, hope everything goes ok for you and the missus.

Let us know when the newborn psy party is !!!!! :D

:smokingr: :)
Hey Jamez... congrats, my girl is almost two years old.
I am looking for some psy vinyl to mix up in my "bedroom"
How many do you have and how much do you want for them,, Quote me happy!!! :speaker:
He eh !!! Thanks Rob / Robin !!!! I'll let you know when the party is !!! I have started planning it in my head already !!! Hope you guys are well !!! :)

Peterpan - I shall send you an e-mail tonight good sir !!!!
I am still very much attached to my vynil collection and would love to stock up on some classics. I'd love to get my mits on the rhino stuff as there ain't that much about anymore, a bit of classic TIP is always good aswell.
P.S. congrats on the nipper news ;)
Ok - guys - I am gonna complie a list - I will comment on general condition as well.

Peterpan / Al SiD - I shall e-mail the list to you guys first as soon as it is done ....

Al - plenty of classic TIP in there - I did sell a few of my Flyin' Rhino 12 inches a while back, but not all of them - but I still have all of the albums in pretty good nick !!

if you wanna enquire further while waiting for my list leave a note or PM me on here or you can always get me at !!!!

Cheers for the interest and kind words !!!!

James x
I am not sure I could pm e d properly so I am writing here again :)
Good fortune for your baby :)
I d be happy if you could send me the list of vinyl and cd s if you re selling them too