Wicked Mix ... shouldn't have started listening to it at work. All I want now is to be in a field somewhere slamming about in front of a speaker to a dark scary psy-mix...
Havent listened to the mix yet, but the playlist is exactly my style. That Penta tune is just what i open a set with. Also you cant fault a good bit of Azax Syndrome.
Look forward to hearing it when i get home!!! :mad:
JS - sorry I only just got round to commenting, but I've been caning this on the way to work for a while :punk:
Dark, moody, occasionally scary, very very psych and totally 'enveloping'. Nice one mate, nice one.
JSains if I was putting on a party, I'd ask you to play Expect some of these artists' tracks to be played at PsyProject :peace: :punk: :speaker: :partysmi:
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