

Singin' in the rain
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can anybody help me out on psy-breaks an psy-d&b?? i've got sum wikid d&b which is pretty psychedlic but not quite twisted enough, if anybody could give me some names or if anybodies made sum, which i remember from a previous thread was in production, could they be kind enough as to give me the names?? as i (shock horror) prefer it than trance!!
i got some quite cool dnb by hipnotic, might be kind of thing you're after. posts on here as soliptic. there's links to his tunes in his sig. i've always found bad company - inside the machine to be suitably twisted and gnarly. there was a psy breaks comp on timecode not too long ago as well.
digitalis - the 3rd state(matsuri recs)
anything by 21.3 records
alot of da new nuskool(!) producers are intrducing good trancey lines into thier choons
eat static - science of the gods
i wont dance v/a - eros records (pretty dark)
broken- timecode
brains shut down now m8 soz :runsmile:
Ticon on their Aero album have got an aptly titled track called It Breakz my Heart, and Hydrophonic's got Do you believe on Aquabiotics.
Just single breaks tracks on psy albums, but they've definately sperked my interest into psy-breaks! :partysmi:
wikid thanks guys will check it out when i get home.
gotta be the way forward though i'd be in heven if i was at a psy party then suddenly the trance droped into some phat break or even sum full on d&b would send the dancefloor mental :clubjump:
Last track on space monkey album - Flash Daddy - pretty good psy-breaks tune :)
It's pretty old now, and I used to think of it more as futuristic jungle, but T-Power's concept album: "The ... of an intuitive brain" (I'm trying to remember the missing work at the mo'...) is pretty psy in my mind. Not easy to find though...

It's also one of those rare and very balanced electronic albums that has enough change in mood and tempo to allow for whole album listening without skipping tracks - they move from hard and heavy to slow and dubby and everywhere in between.

A lot of d&b heads think that he went too far away from the real d&b scene with this, but tome it's a great shame he went on to make the crap that he puts his name to today!
Hmmm - quite like Ryukyu underground - ambient & dubby DnB sound mixed with Okinawan Minyo, some jazzy twists running through - personally like it lots but if world music and electronica fusion is your idea of fingernails been dragged down a blackboard then avoid.. if it tickles your tendons - you should enjoy. You should be able to find samples to listen to online.
RobAC said:
gotta be the way forward though i'd be in heven if i was at a psy party then suddenly the trance droped into some phat break or even sum full on d&b would send the dancefloor mental

I heard Nick Taylor do this at a party in Dallas (of all places) back in '99. He went from some more of his twisted Snake Thing Aussie psy sort of stuff straight into some wicked dark psy-tinged d&b. The crowd had no fuggin' idea what hit them but ate every bit of it up.

It's a bit old, but did you ever hear the Acid Rockers album on Blue Room back in 2001? There were 2-3 really sick d&b tunes on there - very deep & psychedelic. I also seem to recall a couple nice ones on the Deviant Electronics album also on Blue Room. There was also some gloriously twisted d&b released on the Australian labels Edgecore and Demon Tea. I'll be fucked if I have any idea where to find that stuff nowadays, though.

For the slower breaks sort of stuff, check out the artist Introspective - he mostly releases tracks on Sinister Recordings (London-based, if I'm not mistaken). Really nice thick breaks - I've been sneaking his tracks into my heavier prog sets lately and it always does wonders. :ph34r: