Psypixy wants to comunicate in Psyberspace


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Quote Imagine the universe compressed into a space the size of your tongue

Ello Psyland surfers, I thought I'd join this forum to allow direct communications with the like minded people for the purpose of mental expansion. obvious and unusual topics for discussion are welcome.
A big heloooooooo to my luverly cyberfairy7 XX
and of course all the folks that I met at Glade festy last weekend and beyond in various dimensions previously.
:jump: :jump: :jump: :jump:
PSYPIXY :smokingr:

:shrooms: :shrooms:
:welcome: to the forum.....met you two :)

:sun: :sun: :sun:
:shrooms: :shrooms:
:party2: :party2:
Hi psypixy & :welcome: to the fourm.
psypixy said:
Imagine the universe compressed into a space the size of your tongue
How do you know it isn't? :P
Warm welcome to the forum bro, enjoy the good vibrations :sun:
Quote: I have been enabled by someone to enable myself to enable someone to enable themselves to enable others to enable themselves...
Communication is fun


THANKs you lot I feal like I belong


I thought I'd try opening a thread and its got to 'good thead' and has made me laf - av a look 'string theory'

I know I met u (and cyberfairy7) at Glade...but I dont think I actually spoke to u except for 'hi'. Hope u had fun anyway!

:welcome: to the forum!
I know I met u (and cyberfairy7) at Glade...but I dont think I actually spoke to u except for 'hi'. Hope u had fun anyway!
heya mate was good to meet u at the festy!! soz we were a bit antisocial, too many mushrooms!!! :shrooms:
hope u had fun!!!
hello also met you and laura at glade :)

happy times :wizard1:
