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online - UK
Greetings !!

Well our website is nearing its final stage and very very soon we will be fully open offering all the newest releases, some weird and wonderful rare items, as well as the best classic titles...

We will also be selling tickets online for UK parties and for some international event too!

We are also slowly building up an online market stall where individuals and organisations can sell their clothing and other home-sown products, so please get in contact if you are interested in getting involved here.

Please have a look at our website for new releases and special offers each week. All new titles are priced at £9.99 (all inc) - double CDs at £11.99, plus each week we will be doing our 'album of the week' as a special price of 8.99 (all inc). These prices are exclusive to online orders only but if you call us in advance we can arrange to bring your order to an event at the weekend - at the same online price!!

So, let us know what you think...

Our office hours are Monday - Friday 10am - 6pm
01732 822056

Thanks... Psystall Team x

Nicely done guys! :)
uuuh :wow: wikkid job on the site/stall guys! very impressive indeedy.

i'm perusing the site in swedish as we speak :hehe: now am confuuzed :D
one day when i have a few pennies might even splash out on that distortion orchestra album :punk:


loving the monthly top 10 :hehe: ;) :P
It may be a bank holiday today but against tradition we've decided to open today !! Have a look and see what you think, slowly slowly we're getting there with masses of new stock, some rare classics coming this week :)

Hope you enjoy and any ideas, just let us know

hey psystall crew I hope it ll be a very good one
there is a problem when viewing your page on safari for mac osx
everything goes to the right side of the screen and the left side becomes black
though still you can read everything they ar very condensed on the right
If I see anything else I ll let you know
good luck :)
hey komodo - been having few probs myself on OSX 10.3 but they've almost normalised now, well got a little better :) mike been hard at work trying work out the insane logic of macs (i think the problem's are the programmer myself ;) ) .. let us know how it looks now ... thanx mate for the input, hope it all works soon ...
updated ticket section too ... tickets now available for : Antiworld, Earthdance, Symbiosis, Alchemy Records :D
also new titles in today (wednesday) so have a look and check this weeks 'album of the week' for silly prices on brand new titles ... :hehe:

the main page is now working just fine
but when you go down on the subpages like new releases, books etc. the same problem occurs. This problem is for safari 1.0.2 (v85.7) by the way
I ll try and update it too but still there might be some users out there having the problem.
good luck with it :) I ll keep on checking every once in a while, hope this helps
hey kodomo, yeh been looking into the issues with your current version of safari, it seems that is the only version with the probs......well as far as i can getting many different peeps to test on safari to give us some info about what people are seeing. I'll continue looking into the probs and let u all know whats happening...

ahh also kodomo, havent forgotten about forum u want....just rediculously busy right the soon as i get 5 mins, we shall get it on the road.... ;)

cheers for the feedback :)

ps: got some new releases in...and some limited edition vinyl :jump: .....check it out :D
I'm getting some kind of error-message when I type in Denmark as destination... You do ship overseas don't you?

DeathPosture said:
I'm getting some kind of error-message when I type in Denmark as destination... You do ship overseas don't you?


we do ship overseas, our international shipping system is not yet set up so we are dealing with all international orders manually ... if u have one email it direct to :

and we will manually process the order. hopefully by next week we will have something a little more simple in place for international shippping :)

DeathPosture said:
Btw, when a CD is £7,99 is that what you'll charge me, or do you add 20% VAT as say Chaos do?

£7.99 is all u pay, other than the shipping which is cost price and pretty much the same as anyone else. we are currently not VAT registered so we do not charge it. at a point in the future we will review this and adapt our prices, Chaos currently charge 17.5% as they are legally bound to by our friend the tax man because of their turn over ...
buying a cd at £7.99 will more than likely fall under 100g, so 1st class airmailing aims to reach you 3 days after it's posted ... and shipping will be as little as £1.15 ... so it's all still under a tenner for your entire order :)

hope this helps ...

Ahhh !! ... one week of of our stall being open .. YAY!!

A big thank you to all you trusting trance lovers out there for your orders, hope you like them!

A few updates for you, we've added a PRE ORDER section for some of the finest releases coming out in the next month, and we are offering discount on these products. How this works, the day we get the preoducts in is the day they go straight out to you.
New titles shipping in the next few weeks that are available to Pre-Order :

UNUSUAL SUSPECTS 2 - TWISTED RECORDS ... new comp out end of Sept
INFECTED MUSHROOM!! - IM THE SUPERVISOR - fresh new elecrtro-trance style...
BIO-TONIC - DIVINA - new funky grooves on Solstice


We also have new clothing coming next week from Twisted and we are also stocking NEW EXCLUSIVE clothing from Mental Arts !! We've also had quite a few people get in contact about their home-sown goods too, so in the next week or two expect some great stuff to emerge!

Also we are stocking tickets at the moment for the following events:

Antiworld - 11th Sept @ the Rex
Earthdance 2004 - 18th Sept @ the Rocket
Symbiosis - 25th Sept @ the Rex
Alchemy Records - 8th October @ the Coronet

Have a look at out site :

Thanks loads for all the support and feedback, it's been amazing! Keep it coming ...

Much Love

Psystall Team

Greetings (again) :D

All is well in the Psystall camp and things moving well, so here's a little update on what's new ...

So … It’s finally here! The new album from Infected Mushroom: Im The Supervisor, on Resist Records, new electro-trance sounds from Israel. Also to celebrate this release we are doing a special for anyone buying the new album, on previous Infected Mushroom albums:

BP Empire @ £6.99
Converting Vegetarians @ £7.49,

If you interested in these bargains, just drop us a line :)

Also new in this week is the amazing new compilation from Spun Records: XXL (those gms and amigos are still at it !!)
AP Records bring us the new delights from Mexico with their second installment of the Psycomex compilations: The Peyote Trail.
Also in this week, Astral Projection celebrate 10 Years of fine trance with a new remix album: Ten.
We have new EXCLUSIVE clothing in from German label Mental Arts, and more on the way. Soon we will have new EXCLUSIVE clothing from Australian label Tempest Recordings, so keep your eyes open!

This week we are doing a special leading up to the massive trance event in London: Symbiosis! We’ve put a special discount on the new Altom album and also the first Youth in Dub album, both whom will be blessing the masses at the event. We are also selling tickets for this event up until 4pm on the day. Any tickets orders after Thursday will be held on the door.

We are also selling tickets for the following events:

Alchemy Records @ the Coronet. Friday 8th October with Logic Bomb, Dark Soho, Electric Universe and Banco de Gaia LIVE!!
The Synergy Project @ the SE1. Saturday 16th October with Chromosome and Tron LIVE!!
Altered States @ the Rocket. Saturday 4th December, Mexican Trance party with Maia Records!!

You can also pre-order CDs with us, the cheapest way to obtain quality new releases coming up in the next few weeks. Currently we are taking orders on:

Astrix: Artcore (Hommega) Out next week!!
Bio-Tonic: Divina (Solstice) Out next week!!
Quadra: Serotonia (Solstice) Out next week!!
Various Artists: Macao 4 (Etnicanet) Out next week!! (the pinnacle of ibiza lounge moments)
Various Artists: Smoker, Chokers and Midnight Tokers (TIP.World)
Various Artists: Unusual Suspects 2 (Twisted)
Flexitones: Joyrider (Backroom Beats) ... (about time too, amazing lounge n groove!)
Cyrus the Virus: Subliminal (Spun Records) ... (killer album!!)

As always, please keep us posted on your thoughts and any ideas you have on how we can help develop our stall into a better marketplace for the trance community. Thanks for all the support and feedback, it’s been brilliant – keep it coming!

All the best and much much more,

Psystall Team

:bananada: :jump: :bananada: