Question for the DJ's


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Ready Steady Go ...

Q You've mixed 2 songs together and faded into the new song ... say the pitch on the new song is at 1.4 (after beatmatching) do you:

A Leave the song playing at pitch 1.4
B Adjust the pitch back to 0 [How? - just fade it smoothly?]

Answers on a postcard ...

Thanxs Simon :partysmi:
Leave the pitch at 1.4, otherwise u'll confuse the audience but slowing down their dancing! lol
Plus u could find that the next tune u mix in can be beat matched at +/- o pitch, so if uve moved the previous tune from 1.4 to 0, then the next one that would have been beat matched at 0, would have to go to - 1.4 and u'll think u'll wanna move back up to 0.
Aslong as the BPMs stay the same u shouldnt adjust the pitch after u've mixed, unless u wanna slightly increase or decrease the pace depending on whether youre getting more, or less full on. :)

Hope that made sense. :blink:
Just leave the pitch where it is, and in theory (if your beatmaching is tight) your whole set will stay at the same BPM's. If you keep sliding each track back to 0 (on the pitch) the set will be getting slower and quciker on every track... it will sound weird on the dance floor... (example you may finish beat maching a track -2, if you put it up to 0, it will speed up, then you mix the next track in at say +2, then when you mix out you put it down to 0, you will slow down....)

Just mix out and leave it...
Most of the time just leave it at the new pitch.

The dancing crowd will notice if you adjust the pitch to quickly, and they may even notice on a subconsious level.

You don't normally need to worry about running available pitch range on your decks these days, because so many cd decks have such a large pitch range (some go up to 100%, although it's a tad impratical to make fine adjustments at this setting). I always leave my Axis 8's on a setting of 12% and have never run into any problems.

What I like to do, is very gradually increase the bpm/pitch (0.1% adjustment every now and then) through the set or towards to peak of the night. Using only very fine pitch adjustments during some of the tunes. This builds the set up and becomes gradually faster as the night goes on, but the crowd does not notice any imediate change. They just notice that the end of the set is a lot more banging then when it started.

If you absolutely must change the pitch after mixing into a tune (i.e. if its just a tad too slow for the next tune you really want to mix into) wait till the breakdowns and make the necessary adjustments in a calm and controlled manner.

Or trip over and accidentally push the pitch from 0.7 to 10.0 hehehehe ;)

Or yu can just do what I do and when the first record starts fading out, hit play on the second one.

Beat matching? Whats that?

grrr, bloddy chillout DJ's..... don't know easy they got it...

Beat Mixing full on is like "Trying to get 2 raviging pack's of cyber wolves through the speakers at the same time, and make it sound like they are all good friends" but it is possible.... just....
change the pitch when the tune is playing if you want, but do it slowly. at the end of the day mate you are just trying to make it sound good to you (and your audience) within those parameters you can really do whatever the hell you like :)
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (geoffwiffen @ Jan 28 2004, 02:52 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Beat Mixing full on is like "Trying to get 2 raviging pack's of cyber wolves through the speakers at the same time, and make it sound like they are all good friends" [/quote:003e272628]
Its when u get the wolves to become the best of friends that u know you're doing something right! ;)
You should have seen me in Israel a few weeks back...

They are used to the cream of the world's DJ's and they're not easily impressed. My somewhat "agricultural" mixing style had them all standing there going "Who is this twat?"

Still - you pay peanuts...
grrr, bloddy chillout DJ's..... don't know easy they got it...

Beat Mixing full on is like "Trying to get 2 raviging pack's of cyber wolves through the speakers at the same time, and make it sound like they are all good friends" but it is possible.... just....

pfft ! beat mixing is a doddle - try cutting/scratching a chillout mix together !! I say if you're gonna do a job - do it properly :) the end of the day mate you are just trying to make it sound good to you (and your audience) within those parameters you can really do whatever the hell you like

damn straight ! There are no rules to what you can/cant do ... mess about with everything and find what sounds good for you :)

Errrrr..... I learnt everything I know from ott!!!!


ps. ott, were your hands actually doing anything when you shifted them around all over the place like I do now????????

I thought that was because you were twiddleing your knobs and sliding your "faders"