Top 10 Random Foolish Locust August Top 11

Full Lotus

Hob Nob King
Staff member
Forum Fun-raiser
Reaction score
1. Psyside - Narcotrip (G ECHOES RECORDS)
2. Derango - No Thing (STONEAGE RECORDS)
3. Kindzadza - Up Stairs (DISCO VALLEY RECORDS)
4. Shrink - Planet X (KETUH RECORDS)
5. Twisted System - Artificial Intelligence (TIMECODE RECORDS)
6. N3xu5 - Genki (DEJA VU RECORDS)
8. Terminator - Cube (DISCO VALLEY RECORDS)
9. Zebra N - Man on a Mission (DOOF RECORDS)
10. Jelly Headz - Excalibur's Night (INPSYDE MEDIA)
11. Digital Talk vs Para Hulu - Frogs on Lufi (SERAPHANA RECORDS)

Bonus Tracks
12. N3xu5 - Evolution (KETUH unreleased)
13. Zebra N - Mad Cow Disaster (KETUH unreleased)
14. Shift - Nexus Overload (KETUH unreleased)
15. Insect Seeker - Bicicleta (KETUH unreleased)

:bananada: :lol: :tongue1: :smokingr: :wizard1: :partysmi: :speaker: :sun:
hey maam nice tops, some killer tunes i like that top 11 ;)

plenty of :mad: and a bit of :?, the nexus tunes take care of :o, occasional bouts of :crazy: but at the end of the day des, it's :D
Cheers guys ;) :partysmi: :smokingr: :peace: :shrooms:
This wasn't the top 11 I was looking for...

Hey... I've barely heard of any of those? Are they music? Sounds a bit scarry..

See you at the Boom....


P.S Is your Avatar getting wierder and more contorted - I keep getting flashbacks!

Hey Marc, all the unreleased will be released ;) the N3xu5 tune is now out on 'Sonic Pantomime'. :partysmi: :sun: :wizard1: :smokingr: