Room available


Forum Member
Reaction score

x1 double room available

brixton, south london

10 mins walk from brixton tube / 7-10 mins walk from Herne hill station

living with >

snafu (forum user / psy-trance dj - Project ozma)

louise gandolfi (forum user / psy-chill dj - Gandolfi - Liquid connective / project ozma)

Ralph (non forum user / video artist - inside-us-all)

£350 per month

Very beautiful 50ft+ garden, big kitchen, big living room with studio space

a great space for a creative mind - musically or artistically

Please PM me or email me @

available from november / december this year.

i can honestly say there is a beautiful vibe here!!....and to the lucky person who moves in ......try the hammock!! i missed out on that ;) but looking back :wub:

personally if i moved in..... i'd just do there heads in about visual stuff and abuse the soothiong :D beats collection :P

350 bargain!!
oh man, i just agreed to carry on living with my non-psy mates just round the corner from you.
i'd love to live there. nuts.
dunno if i ever met you mark, but i met snafu a coupla times at the purple turtle in camden when barcs was playin.
pm me if u goin out fer a drink in brixton...
StealthSyst3ms said:
personally if i moved in..... i'd just do there heads in about visual stuff and abuse the soothiong :D beats collection :P

What you mean more than Calve does??
yeah, we operate a strictly over 5's policy as well couldn't be dealing with Jack (lovely though he is) :P
*LiloFerret incoming*

and I live really close by too!!!!!! I DO I DO!!!!!!!

*scratching head* uum guys I hope this was help rather than hindrance by the way...

PS IM REALLY nice!!!

Good luck guys I hope that Will-person moves in cause I like him lots :) :wub:

A lovely lovely friend of mine (and former flatmate) is moving back to the UK in Jan, but it will be Feb at the least before I let her go and find her own place which will be a bit too late for you - should you be still looking for someone in the New Year PM me.
norty303 said:
*LiloFerret incoming*

Good luck guys I hope that Will-person moves in cause I like him lots :) :wub:


Awww fanks Lilo....i'm not after the room's for a lovely lady friend of mine ;)
Guys guys...

If you still need a person come January - let me know innit :)

*wub wub wub*

xxx Ferret xxx