Russia backs Kyoto climate treaty

Well thats a good thing, now hopefully the other "big" countires will finally feel pressurised in to doing something.

And perhaps in years to come it will be :sun: once again......

its a start with russia producing 17% of the worlds greenhouse gases but with the US being the large producer at 36% and refusing now to sign at all isnt it then a bit of an exercise in futility?
I appreciate that a start needs to be made somewhere but instead of a 6% reduction by the US as was originally agreed and a 15% increase over the figures that were current at the time of the original agreement - it nows means that the US has effectively increased its contribution to greenhouse gases by 21%.
Meanwhile science is starting to appreciate that CO2 is disolving into the oceans and starting to upset the ph balance and threatening the food chain.
The Russian move is to be applauded but I believe far more needs to be done
Woah is that for real?
That is good news to keep the levels in say 50 years where they are today!
A lot more needs to be done after you take the 1st step innit?

Has Germany ratified it yet?
Most of the developing countries have signed up - the opposite is true for developed nations.
What happens to a country that surpasses development and becomes deconstructed and devolved?
Everyone in the EU has ratified it i believe. I believe it was pushed through the EU parliament to stop dissenting states from refusing ...
The pact becomes binding once it has been ratified by 55 percent of the signatories which must, among them, account for 55 percent of developed countries' carbon dioxide emissions.

Kyoto has surpassed the requirement of signatories after a total of 122 nations have ratified it. But they account only for 44 percent of total emissions without Russia.

Ok then 122 nations account for 44%
the US accounts for 36%

...... do i really have to go any further?
Goz said:

Good news, though whether they can actually stick to the agreement is another matter. Still, its progress.

dave arc-i said:
its a start with russia producing 17% of the worlds greenhouse gases but with the US being the large producer at 36% and refusing now to sign at all isnt it then a bit of an exercise in futility?
No positive step is futile, to me that's an oxymoron.

If the greatest effect it has on the situation is making the USA feel like even more of an international C*nt, then that's a thing...
OK - I'm scraping the barrel, first the US would have to care what the rest of the world thought of them, and I think it's clear that they couldn't give a monkies ( Whatcha gonna do aboot it ? )
But you get my point ?

Ok then 122 nations account for 44%
the US accounts for 36%
It's sick really. They should be MADE to sign.... could the amount of shit they put into the air, that acid rains down on other countries be described as international terrorism ?
Won't some-one think of the forrests...?
Urk said:
dave arc-i said:
its a start with russia producing 17% of the worlds greenhouse gases but with the US being the large producer at 36% and refusing now to sign at all isnt it then a bit of an exercise in futility?
No positive step is futile, to me that's an oxymoron.

sorry should have made my pojnt clearer - I agree the fact of 122 now 123 countries signed then of course that is a positive step in the right direction.

The futility point was made because I feel that no matter what we do now the atmoshperic gases have already been pushed out of balance and that the huge and real contribution to that impact continues on a daily basis - treaty or no treaty - how much longer before the balance is pushed too far and we start getting what - weird weather patterns, huge volumes of melt water (fresh water) entering the oceans, I don't mean to be sounding as though I am taking the piss but thats the way I see it. How much do I wish I didn't and it wasn't.