Shamanic Tribes on Acid


I suck (apparently)
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The Mad Hatter's Acid Tea Party
Shamanis Tribes on Acid

(sorry no tracklisting available)

Just got myself reacquainted with this and bugger me but if it's not one of the most psychedelic albums ever. Positively dripping.

Can anyone remeber his set at Cosmic Carrot (which unfortunately got cut short due to a fire)

Does anyone know what Jake Stephenson is up to now?
Those guys are loonies, I had some of there 12"'s, proper lost it material , can't really remember what it sounds like now, just spiralling off into hyperspace.... Have to dig em out!
classic and overlooked by many

havent listened to it in ages, might sound slightly dated but its fooooooookin psychedelic
I've got 303 to Infinity - which pretty much sums it up.. 303 acid mayhem
Christ, thought he'd started releasing stuff again when I saw the post!! What a thoroughly nice man is Jake, knew him from my time in Guildford. Danced like loons to his stuff at the Farnham Teknivals and even tried to introduce the people of Hastings to his stuff (they responded by kickin up a hippy :no: , just can't help some people)

So what is he doing now, last I heard he was selling the 12" promos he got sent at the A3 boot fair......

He also used to do stuff as Alien Mutation and Third Eye amongst others, dunno if he's still going with that. He was also responsible for compiling some great compilations......

There is some stuff on Jumpin & Pumpin recently. Try a google search...

the maltings now has sound limiters! i can't think why? might explain why farnham teknival bit the dust - nice flyers though.

everyone there is into drum @ bass, or metal now.

oh where did it all go wrong?
Hello, folks, as a friend of Jake I can say that he is well and truly alive and kicking, still making some excellent music, altho more on the Chill side these days I think.

I've had the pleasure of helping Jake compile some CDs over the past few years:

a whole string of 4xCD box sets on Rumour Records with titles like Psychedelic Flashbacks 1, 2, 3, etc... Tranceformations.... Chill @ Global Cafe... (all Cat no. TRIPBX xx... ie tripbx 15, tripbx 18 etc)

a couple of 3Xcd box sets on Jumping&Pumping with unfortunate titles like Goa 2003 the best of Psychedelic Trance, but excellent comps with both full-on and chill-out (CDBTOT23 + 24)

And there's a new Double CD chill-out comp coming on Rumour featuring some truly awesome music, with 1 track I've written myself and one from new Organic chill talent Perpetual Loop.

Pheeeeeeeewwwwww...... and those are just the ones that I've been involved in. He's been a busy boy, Jake......

Oh, by the way, on the forthcoming Organic Chill-out CD (Psymeditation) there will definately be a track or 2 by Jake. :peace: :shrooms:
i got one of those comps on rumour
but only cos the electric melon were on it, which is classic

the other bits werent bad either :)
Well, it's nice to know he's still out and about. Might have to a bit of hunting to track down some of those CD's
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (skwelch @ Feb 28 2004, 04:22 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> i got one of those comps on rumour
but only cos the electric melon were on it, which is classic

the other bits werent bad either :) [/quote:79195312e6]
Which one? ESR2 or Hysterisis?

by the way, I've got some of the box set s for sale. £10 inc p+p (not bad for 3 or 4 CDs, eh)

Also forgot to mention I did my own 4xCd box set with rumour... Teleportation, Anthology of Organic records or some such snazzy title
"Once upon a time..." - That track's an all time classic!

Yeah Snafu I remember that night - I don't think my head's ever been the same since :blink: . Quite positively bizzare - stepping outside at 2:00am along with hundreds of other 'affected' individuals into the throngs of police waiting to ensure we were all OK. Quite truely bizzare (don't know who was more freaked; us or them).

I still dig that CD out once in a while for a good giggle.

And Chris, your 4 CD box set was an absolute BARGAIN! 4 CDs of wicked tracks for about a tenner... thought they'd put the wrong sticker on it in HMV :lol1:
yeh ESR2, thas the one

dya know i cant even find it, ive been looking for the last 20mins
trying to remember who did the track on the same disc as electric melon with the star wars sample 'i will not condone a course of action that will lead us to war' - that was quite tasty too
aaaah man shamanic tribes on acid tracks were totally crazy i had the mad hatters for a bit, but it truly screwwed my mind up, i could never quite get into it....i guess i am just not that psychedelic...same thing happened with psyko disko.. total mind warping...and that trance4mations cd! i thought the same thing......what?!?!? Psy in HMV/.....for only a TENNER????huh? Some good old tunage. B)

Yes, sadly Jake is alive and kicking no more, but his legacy lives on:

Tracks by him on Psymeditation 1 and 2, and a whole album of Jake's lush chillage, Ganja Beats: Paradise & Tranquility.

all available here:
coming from guildford, i heard of shamaic tribes through reading guilfin when i was younger so future world was the first psy cd i bought when i was about 17. i enjoyed listening to it while smoking but i found it a bit too overpowering at times and didn't buy any more until someone played me some shpongle three years later...

...anyway, i listened to it again recently and it sounds much better than i remembered! really old school feel to a lot of it with crazy acid lines wandering all over the place. i found that i really associate the sound with my early psychedelic experiences, festivals and visits to the head shop... so it makes you wanna burn some sandalwood and dance round the room!

I'd interested in knowing what people think was Jakes best stuff and in anything people could tell me about the old parties/ guilfin crew round guildford way. I started going to techno and d'n'b (psycle/FOC/Panik) just cos that's what the people i hung out with went to so never knew about the psy parties... if i'd just been taken along i would have fallen in love with this shit much earlier, it took me a while to find it again!

thanks jake for the early taster though...

Oh yes, Guilfin indeed! I played at a few of their parties in Godalming and round Guildford, had a great laugh down there on a Thurs night I seem to remember... also played at a couple of the festies they did.. the summat chill........?

Was good fun anyway. I personally, hand on heart think that Chill-out, ambient and dub were definately Jake's best genres. Jake and I worked really hard to put out the 'best Jake album ever' which he wanted to be a Ganja Beats release, but was really in fact just a collection of the best music he'd done recently in all guises. The CD was completed before he died but came out after, and is to me a stupendous tribute to his mastery of all the 3 genres mentioned above, and you really should check it out. I insist.

More info here:


and the forum thread is here:
oooh - I remember Shamanic Tribes from when I was much younger - my sister used to pump it out of her stereo and we shared a room.... hmm.... may have to ask if she's still got that CD, can't really remember it much any more...
snafu said:
The Mad Hatter's Acid Tea Party
Shamanis Tribes on Acid

(sorry no tracklisting available)

Just got myself reacquainted with this and bugger me but if it's not one of the most psychedelic albums ever. Positively dripping.

Can anyone remeber his set at Cosmic Carrot (which unfortunately got cut short due to a fire)

Does anyone know what Jake Stephenson is up to now?

Um......sadly Jake Stephenson (aka Shamanic Tribes On Acid, Alien Mutation, ganja Beats etc) passed away early in 2005 from a heart attack after 2 serious epileptic attacks. :isad:
I remember the guilfin ambient tent at the megadog beach festival. First festival i went to!!!!! They used to play the old skool ambient stuff like alien mutation, astralasia etc.... I love that kind of music and still have a fair bit on old ambient comps.... shame you dont hear that music much nowadays at festivals..... guilfin was cool
digifrog said:
Um......sadly Jake Stephenson (aka Shamanic Tribes On Acid, Alien Mutation, ganja Beats etc) passed away early in 2005 from a heart attack after 2 serious epileptic attacks. :isad:

Where did you get that information?

The official word I got (from his family) is they still dont know exactly how he died, tho he did have an epileptic attack. Coroners were supposed to do an autopsy but the 'case' wasnt important enough so its left as 'cause of death unknown'.