Shared Planet 2004 .......

Lucid Dragon

Junior Members
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Bath, UK
hey every1 ....
ive just spent my weekend in London ... for the Shared Planet 2004 conferance ....
for those who dont know what this is ... every yr People and Planet organise a conference for university and 6th form students, where some of some of the most important political and environmental issues are disscussed.
This yr, the line up of speakers was damn good,...
first up we had Michael Meacher MP ...... who opened the proceedings with forcefull speach that centered around the re election of Bush ( :no: )
and the implications of this on the environment and politics round the world .... and of course the war on Iraq ....
Next was one of the highlights of the day for me... comedian Mark Steel ...
Though his session was just downright fucking hillarious, he made some very valid points, mainly to do with the war on Iraq....
After this ..... was one of the most moving speaches by a south african woman named Mandisa Mbali .... on the HIV/Aids epidemic...she related personal experiances... the most moving and horrible being the death of her 13 yr old cousin from monsterous epidemic. ... she then moved on to tell us how 40 of the top pharma companies sctually launched a legal attack on the south african govt. for provding generic drugs that saved many many babies from contracting the virus from thier mothers....
There was a plethora of workshops .... but sadly each person could only attend 1 ....
anyway ... i went to a workshop on the g8 coutries .... which was fairly interesting....although i would have much prefered to go to a climate change one....
after the workshops,.. there was another speaker lined up ..
Mark Lynas ... who spoke about climate change and global warming...
this for me was the speach that had the most impact on me..... hard hittig and precise ..... some shocking facts and projections were let loose...
next .... Pushpanath Krishnamurthy ... an oxfam activist gave an entertaing and touuchiig talk on fair trade... and the state of some of the world pooreset farmers.....
and finally there was the closing... where we had a few short talks. .. on esso ,.... going green at university etc etc ...
all in alll ... this was an amazing experiance,,,, and eye opeining weekend...
and to top it all off.... they had fucking smashing party sat nigth ..... with poets a reggae band ... and these drummers.... bloddy awsome...
Bom Bom