Silliest Psy track of the Day

Full Lotus

Hob Nob King
Staff member
Forum Fun-raiser
Reaction score
The Nommos - Eight Finger Funk

:tongue1: :smokingr:
Neuromotor - Electryk Mama(Neuromotor remix) :drinking: :peace:
NISSIMIYANI VS MELOVSKYS - "Fir Cough" (second track on the TiP Red compilation)
2 Unlimited - There's no limit... just heard it in a cab cheesing it along the highway in Shanghai at 4.30...cabi thought he was the coolest mofo in town playing his western tape...twas an experience.

ps: next track Whigfield. no shit. :crazy:
AND the winner 4 2day is: 1200micrograms- glories of greece ( i wanted

to put the whole album-time machine but since i have to choose 1,here u

what do you mean by silly Arvind? Rubbish psy or just down right totally bonkers sillier than sillier psy?
Jon Kenobi said:
what do you mean by silly Arvind? Rubbish psy or just down right totally bonkers sillier than sillier psy?

Both :smokingr:
mullett said:
Safi Connection=Vainish

im sure it a mr vain rip off :mad:

hahahahaha - it rip-off - or sample....however you see it, just thank god they didn't use the vocal 'calling mr.vain.....'

And another silly safi one - Goa Amsterdam - '..this'd turn hari krishna into a bad boy...'
Will Dogon said:
And another silly safi one - Goa Amsterdam - '..this'd turn hari krishna into a bad boy...'

Saikopod used that on Phutures and Options, first track I believe :runaway:
Psilodump - psilodump goes insane (silly, crazy, mahem, music ... f**** up track)

Benza's micheal jackson remix (don't bother looking)
texas faggot's backstreet boy remix

every track Bonky ever made :)
golden oldie this one: die sonne - paranoia

manages to be scary and silly at the same time (it's on boom! - double dipped)