spare ticket

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rizla
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hey guys, i know this is a long shot but does anyone know of any glade tickets flooting around? if so please pm , this is rizla btw, and its not for me its for my brother , cheers xx
badger said:
hey guys, i know this is a long shot but does anyone know of any glade tickets flooting around? if so please pm , this is rizla btw, and its not for me its for my brother , cheers xx

awwwwwwww......your brothers never said that...........he'el wanna vet he punchy like????

this is not looking good

but atleast i tried ;)

im still going muhahahaha
benny fli said that sanchopanza had 100 tickets available - might be worth giving a go

Also, I'm sure that by now you have seen the Glade ticket for sale at the top of the classifieds forum.

Otherwise, give the Glade forum a go - I've seen various threads offering tickets.

As a last resort, might be worth calling up the Glade peeps themselves - I'm sure theyve had at least a few returns by now.

Also, I've noticed that eBay tix are pretty much seeling for face value, so I'd try that too.

Basically, I'm sure you'll be able to track down at least 1 ticket - will be sure to tell you if I see something.