Stewart Lee - funny?. Or not?


Photography mad.
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The style of humour bordering on opiniaited anger? Or an intellectual humour forcing one to look at oneself, and others.

I think I would have enjoyed that if it wasn't for the crowd laughing after EVERY SINGLE THING HE SAID :mad:
He's excellent and really coming in to his own over the past few years now that he has matured. His material is very careful measured and painstakingly laid out its a joy to watch.
Yeah I have only recently been turned onto him.. I think he's brilliant... Massively self indulgent but it works for me (and evidently loads of others too!) Seeing him live in my city in feb :D

I like this one.. Heheh..

I find his set up so slow it bores me, and the delivery is generally not funny enough to warrant the wait.
I find his set up so slow it bores me, and the delivery is generally not funny enough to warrant the wait.
god darn MTV generation
what i don't like about him is the sense that he is the comedian for smug, self-satisfied guardianistas. i love comics like george carlin and bill hicks, but that's because there is a rage about the shit state of the world fuelling what they are saying. with lee, its more like he's just the spokesman for a big clique full of people that feel very smug about being in that clique.
fair enough, the top gear one is a very good example of one of his bits that is like that though.

i'm not having a go either. some of my best friends are smug, self-satisfied guardianistas ;)
i'm not having a go either. some of my best friends are smug, self-satisfied guardianistas ;)

With that in mind - I'm happy to say that Stuart Lee is actually, probably, my favourite comedian... :D - also going to go and see him now that he's playing in London!
what i don't like about him is the sense that he is the comedian for smug, self-satisfied guardianistas. i love comics like george carlin and bill hicks, but that's because there is a rage about the shit state of the world fuelling what they are saying. with lee, its more like he's just the spokesman for a big clique full of people that feel very smug about being in that clique.

Lurk, if you want to put folk off then be careful what you say about him. You may well end up advertising him on his website. Oscar Wilde's words on being talked about are as true as ever.

He's conspicuous by his absence from all the usual comedy TV same-old-faces lightweight piffle like Mock the Week - his professional record places him in a league far above that. The Top Gear routine is bang on the mark.
Lurk, if you want to put folk off then be careful what you say about him. You may well end up advertising him on his website. Oscar Wilde's words on being talked about are as true as ever.

He's conspicuous by his absence from all the usual comedy TV same-old-faces lightweight piffle like Mock the Week - his professional record places him in a league far above that. The Top Gear routine is bang on the mark.

i have no time for mock the week either. the top gear routine is over the top and goes on far too long.