Stewart Lee - funny?. Or not?

the top gear routine is over the top and goes on far too long.
He's rubbing the Daily Mail's nose in it, innit.
no, if i really had a problem with them i wouldn't have hung round the psytrance scene for 17 years ;)

my problem is the way he seems to nurture a feeling that if you are in on the joke you are superior to those that aren't.
If anything I think he nurturers that to expose it. In doing so he ridicules the type of person he's claiming to be within the act. If it was simply a case of we are better than these people we assume exist then it wouldnt have legs and his career would have been much shorter than it has been.
it's not too long, shorter than an episode of top gear.
But about as long and as repetetive and as full of bile as a Top Gear item, which is what he was satirising. This was understood here after the third time he said "... he's not really a hamster".

Good on him for going easy on James May, of course.
yeah i have to agree with Lurk, 3.5 mo's into the top gear routine and i sort of switched off and started poking my ears with cotton buds. nahhh , not for me.
Im an Eddie Izzard sort of girl.

One guy i cant stand is Lee Evens. He has to be the most irritating man on this planet.
Best British comedian hands down. Stuart lee I mean not lee evens HA. Can't stand Izzard, connelly and that type. As psyfi said, he exploites that whole "in on the joke/not in on the joke" feeling to satirise it often. The way Lee will make a joke from one perspective and then turn it round and make you think "should I really be laughing at that?" is brilliantly skilled.

It's not the same old, tired identity based observational shit that we always get on telly (I'm Irish, I'm Scottish, I'm a woman, I'm a transvestite, I'm metrosexual, Northerners say this, French people say that. You get the idea). Yes he does tear into people and he can be quite nasty about other performers. Good. Rather that than all this live at the appollo/buzzcocks, all celebrities are best mates bullshiz.

Comedy vehicle was a brilliant show, here's one of my fav jokes from it
Agree Mibes! His comedy makes such a refreshing change from the general bog-standard profanity-laden dross.
He can be ok - but I think he's a bit too much into the theory of comedy and "pushing things forward" - which is all very well and good - but can loose sight of the fact that comedy should be funny.

Being funny is prerequisite to being a comedian.. sadly Lee fails miserably. Somehow makes me want to punch him in the face despite agreeing with what he's saying
from the guardian website:

"Criticising a comedian is a dangerous thing to do. Heckling a professional is like writing a sign on your forehead saying: "Make me look like an idiot in front of a paying audience." And calling out Stewart Lee is a kamikaze mission. His website flashes bad reviews across the screen. He chides his audiences for not understanding. Lee's act thrives on criticism, on being misunderstood, in creating groups – those who get it and those who don't."
from the guardian website:

"Criticising a comedian is a dangerous thing to do. Heckling a professional is like writing a sign on your forehead saying: "Make me look like an idiot in front of a paying audience." And calling out Stewart Lee is a kamikaze mission. His website flashes bad reviews across the screen. He chides his audiences for not understanding. Lee's act thrives on criticism, on being misunderstood, in creating groups – those who get it and those who don't."

i "get it", i just don't find "it" funny, the same way i think michael macintyre should be strung up by his testicles. george carlin and doug stanhope are good examplesof comedians that challenge you, but don't come across as being incredibly smug.