saxopholus said:
I'll guess I'll stick to what I got and try to get better at it.
Its probably quite fun to be able to morph an opera singer into a cat miaaowing - for the first ten minutes.
Doesn't put food on the table though.
I can remember when samplers first appeared in the '80s and I just had to have one. Eventually I saved up and got a Roland S10. The first three days were spent sampling burps and me saying "bollocks" and playing it up and down the keyboard - and then came the moment when I thought to myself - "Hmm - so what else does it do?"
Sod all as it turned out - 4 seconds sampling time and no synthesis features to speak of. It quickly became just another tool and didn't make me millions of £££ as I'd assumed it would when I bought it.
As for casually name-dropping BT - when you've seen the commercial end of the music biz up close it quickly loses all its glamour and mystique. He's just a geeky boy with too many plugins like the rest of us.
Not untalented, but certainly no more gifted or special than you or me. Poor sod suffers with the most appalling RSI [carpal tunnel disease] from wielding a mouse for 18 hours a day, and laments having to make a living doing Pepsi commercials with some witless twat from PepsiCo leaning over his shoulder going "Can you make it sound a little more....
We had a laff doing the sesion though - I took up all my analogues and we spent 2 hours seeing how many ridiculous farty noises we could make and fitting them into the track.
Then we sent the tape-op out to the shops to buy 32 cans of Coca Cola - which we left lying all round the studio for when the Pepsi man turned up.
I've got better name-drops than that though.
Like the time I had Tim Booth [singer from James] Brian Eno and Sinead O Connor in the vocal booth doing overdubs, and I found myself going "Hmm - sounds a bit lame to be honest. Sinead - back off from the mic a bit and try another take..."
Or the time Brian Eno asked me what I thought of the tune so far, and I said "Sounds great, apart from that
awful drum machine, which is so ugly as to carry all before it. Who's idea was that?"
To which Eno replied;
"Erm... mine."
"Ahh. I'll get my coat shall I?"