The Feedback Thread


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The Feedback Thread! :D

A central place for getting and giving feedback on tunes....

Imo this is such a valuable tool in our psyforum music school - it's so difficult to look at your own music objectively when you've heard it a million times and so it's great to know what others think! Conversely for the listener it's a great source of inspiration and ideas :)

Please post your new track here for feedback, and if you've got the time pull up a comfy chair, grab a cup of tea and choccy biscuit and have a listen to tracks of others.

But please do make an effort to the work of others and give feedback if you're posting your own tunes - it's the only way the thread can work properly, and it will encourage people to listen to your stuff too :)

All feedback is useful whether you're the best producer on the planet or just making your first tune, so - shyness is strictly outlawed in this thread :D
Good idea - I think that it should be stickied - the other two threads have long since proven their value to the MP forum, both simply refusing to die! And they are not the easiest to find for newcomers, or even seasoned vets on occassion.

Nothing to put up ATM, verrr verrrr busy, but I'll have a tour of the hard drive and see if there is anything worth surgical dissection ;)
Cheers man, yeah seemed worth doing - and sticky would certainly make it easy for newcomers to find - that possible Col?

I've nicked my post today from one of the other threads to kick this thread off with instead:

My new track is now definitely at a stage where I could do with some feedback if you'd be so kind :)
This is the track that I nearly lost entirely in my hard drive failure!

Not too far away from completion, although there's certainly some stuff which I'm not happy with, and the intro is just a quick rough sketch atm - but rather than predujice your opinions I'll just let you have a listen:

Bearded Treemonster

If anyone was at Bearded Theory this weekend, this track is named as a tribute to a wonderful tree which had the face of a bearded man!

Feedback of all varities would be very much appreciated - thankyou :D
PhillaX just listening to Dance of the Bearded Treemonst.

Great basslines, the actual bass patch is different from what I've heard lately, gives the track a lot of character. Sexy and tight.

The kick is nice and crisp and well defined, if anything I'd take out some attack and slightly beef up the bottom end, but this again is my preference for the kicks I use.

Progression's great, love that change at 1:19, but in here there are two things that are not quite right for me in the the wobbly synth line. The wobble itself doesn't seem synced to the rhythm, this doesn't sound quite right to me. It also finishes sharply at 1:29 (I think could do with a bar more). The sound itself is brilliant though.

Percussion is nicely arranged, well spaced out on the stereo image. The snare has a lovely thud.

FX and weird synth on the buildup before 2:40 are great.

Very nice change of theme at around 5:00, great gated synths left&right literally. Nice change of key at around 6:20.

Levels wise I wouldn't touch it. On my headphones at work (they're quite good actually) the freqs sound well balanced, only thing would be making the bottom end a bit thicker (with the kick as said before) but take this with a grain of salt as this ain't no monitors.

Other than what I said I would make the track more intense towards the end, perhaps a bit more sound density without getting into goa mess? Maybe some acid pad with an aggro rhythm? Then this might be just me as I like to finish things with a bang.
OOOOOH SHINY NEW THREAD!!! This is a good idea- the rip my track to pieces thread rarely gets used to really rip into tunes really so this middle ground is probably a better idea ;) Maybe this means that we are all really nice haha :) Heres a bit of stuff I have been sneakily doing when I should really be doing essays and watering the flowers and whatnot. Still haven't put an intro on it. I THINK I might have stolen the lead at the end of the tune form something else accidentally but I'm not sure :/ I might have just made it up! If you recognise it and I have actually just regurgitated it plese lemme know so I can re-jig it ;)
Ta. Gonna see what ye all have to offer aswel ;)
Phillax- Lovely tune, is the kick made with psy-kick? It has that nice round digital sound to it :) I personally would make the bass notes just a tiny bit longer as for me it is s abit too stuttery at the moment, and maybe put a bit more reverb on some of the synths. The "popping" synth is great though- really cool little riff. I also salute your use of interesting percussion that doesn't just go BOOM TSSSS. Nice acid melody at the end of the tune aswel, although this is maybe somewhere the percussion could be a bit more prominent to drive it along? The production is very clean and there a lot of nice little tweaks and "human" details in there :) Really, really good tune *bows down* ;)
aah good there's a specific thread now...

back to the usual with a bubbly trancy number

"Ono-Sendai Cyberspace 7" on the myspace

phillax & atom - i'm gettin some speakers lent to me in a few hours so i'll give you my 2 cents once they're here...

smiles all round xx
atom -

the start is class, i love the atonal blips! also the verb on the percussion gives it a big dark space...

the build up at 2:45, sweeeet - nice and trancy just how i like it.

held off the real melodies till the end again - this seems to be your style

lush lush lush
how long have you been producing for?
Been producing general electronic music for about 5 years now, but only really seriously got into it 2 years ago when i started making psy :) Hows about you? I will give everyone the listen they deserve when i get home- at the missus's atm- limited intranetz :/
probs like 6 months. hopefully once i've been goin 5 years i'll have a few more tricks up my sleeve, haha
Aye definately. It always scares me how much knowledge there is too learn about music production, but I think that will at least keep it interesting :)
aah good there's a specific thread now...

back to the usual with a bubbly trancy number

"Ono-Sendai Cyberspace 7"

Some fantastic ideas in there, really creative. I love the build up and section after about 2.30. I though the hats were really quiet throughout, so didn't give it quite enough to keep it flowing properly. The kick also sounded like it was clipping (that might've been deliberate though). Loving the vibraslaps around 3.30 as well. Good stuff.

I've got not 1 but 2 brand new tracks for you. The first one is called "Control" and is one for the breaks heads. Heavy and bassy and electroey. The second is rather unimaginatively titled "The Beat", and has a more goa/psy trance hybrid feel going on. Points available for spotting the New Order reference and the White Stripes reference.

Both are listenable at

aaaahh now thats gd feedback, both the kick and hats have been changed now to a great improvement niceee 1 brooo!
I wrote a long reply then my laptop died. Typical. Heres my second attempt: Mibes- good tune but its doestorting too much in places (especially near the start). I would give it a more gentle introduction that fades in or something. The melodies are cool and so are the synths but the bassline is too brassy for my liking- maybe try cutting some frequencies in the mids. Overall it pretty cool man :)
This is something I have been working on for the last 24 hours.

I know it's only 2 mins in so far, but would really appreciate some feedback on it so I can try smooth out any creases early to hopefully make it sound better as I go. =]

I will give everyones a listen at the weekend and get back to them when I have faster internet, at the moment it takes about 2 hours to download 1 tune for me :(
Haha wow! Nice intro, very atmospheric. The kick needs to be louder and more bassy- also the bassline sounds like its drifting or not synched up to iself, how many oscillators are you using on it? Great atmospheres in this :) I like!
Maybe just have the chorus on the high frequencies or something? Dunno- look forward to hearing the next installment, its sounding great :)
On this last comment IIRC someone suggested quite a few weeks back on a reverb + overdrive + high pass cut. I love this, got it set up on a return channel to which a few of the tracks feed into.