The heavy music thread: punk, metal,stoner et etc

Been getting into technical death metal lately... My friend has been pushing it onto me since, like, 2004/5, and I never properly enjoyed it (bar some songs by Necrophagist, which I love). This recentish album by Archspire changed that, though. It's so well thought out; the gravity blast beats are fucking mental.

I love technical death metal if it's of the very dissonant kind, stuff like Gorguts, or Ad Nauseam.

If we are talking about the more neoclassical end of the spectrum not really my gig, but if you like Necrophagist:

I love technical death metal if it's of the very dissonant kind, stuff like Gorguts, or Ad Nauseam.

If we are talking about the more neoclassical end of the spectrum not really my gig, but if you like Necrophagist:

Spawn of Possession are fuckin' sick, ayeeeee! I don't know Ad Nauseum before; will play them at my friend's place tomorrow night!

Do you know Malignancy? They're one of my favourites at the moment. Technical brutal death metal. :D The vocalist's inward screams are INSANE!

Aaaaalso, Sonivinos! I reckon you'll like these guys if you're into dissonant technical death metal. The drummer's gravity blasts are fuckin' stupendous! These two songs are from their upcoming album, which I'm mega excited about.

The Chats....

I wouldn't call 'em heavy but every time I get shitted on break I respond with I'M ON SMOKO, SO LEAVE ME ALONE

Thanks for the heads-up, I'm way out of the loop re: new releases, new Meshuggah makes me happy
For the uninitiated, stomp @ 4/4 and wait for it to resolve
Fucking beautiful music

Here's my contribution, if it hasn't been put forth already

Did batushka resolve the whole line up/monicker problems in the end?
I'm not sure tbh, all I know is there was a lot of butthurt all 'round...
I did like Panihida though, and it does seem apparent that old mates' composition was the driving force behind the brilliance of Litourgiya:

The Batushka debacle was fuckin' funny to see. I don't think it was ever resolved... It became a proper meme, though, with loads of people doing different funny iterations of the band.

(^^^ The guy who runs this channel is a right-wing dick, but it shows most of the different memes/'iterations'. :Wink: )

This is one of my favourite black metal songs of the year so far. Emperor-worship done really well! Fvkkin' love 4:02 onwards, with the 6/8 drumming!

The band is essentially a supergroup, what with all of the members who are in it having many other projects.

The Batushka debacle was fuckin' funny to see. I don't think it was ever resolved... It became a proper meme, though, with loads of people doing different funny iterations of the band.

(^^^ The guy who runs this channel is a right-wing dick, but it shows most of the different memes/'iterations'. :Wink: )
I have to say, a lot of that went over my head but the Cruel Angel Thesis cover and Syka-Blyatushka were worth the price of admission :D

Anyone got into Cult of Fire 'round these parts? This album really does it for me, it would have been great if they hadn't have band-limited it for trve-kvlt purposes (for me it seems to sit in a box around the low mids to mid highs and I'd love to hear the stuff that was cut away,) but as a black metal concept album it's fucken' bonkers... Very good psilo music :grin:

The entire situation regarding Batushka actually sums up my experience with psytrance quite adequately-- I listened to all manner of great tunes from the most unapologetic powercheese through to the most brooding and calculated dark psy for over a decade before I started going to parties and learning that people not only have severely disparaging opinions of certain sub-genres of music, but also the people who wrote it and their lifestyles... Throughout that next decade I met just as many shanti-shanti dicknozzles as I did controversial figures who were actually quite cool and measured if you got to know 'em
That's ultimately why I've been listening to a lot of black metal over the last couple of years, everything from the verboten NSBM to beautiful stuff like Panopticon (apparently there's some controversy arounding that dude as well but fuck it:)

and everything in between...

I was first introduced to, and warned against, listening to Drudkh as apparently they're nationalistic Ukrainians... I hope that has the impact I'm intending here; I listened to this album because I like being naughty and considering socially forbidden topics, but what I discovered was something that hit me incredibly hard despite having no cultural or linguistic context to base the visceral reaction I had upon listening...

That was about a year ago but the way shit's panned out recently, I can understand where those guys are coming from-- that entire situation hasn't appeared from nowhere, and suddenly that 'right-wing Ukrainian black metal' thing made sense to me

I dunno, I listen to a lot of music from people who were overtly, or ended up being absolute cock-monglers, but I can't get past the artistic intent behind it enough to hate it...

I reserve the right to vet the people I let into my house though :bg:

This is one of my favourite black metal songs of the year so far. Emperor-worship done really well! Fvkkin' love 4:02 onwards, with the 6/8 drumming!

This is fucking rad, when I hear music like this my jealous drummer mind screams out 'this can't be real!'
I should just practice more though eh :P
And this, this is fucking amazing
First couple of minutes made me wonder where it was going, following that the track was finished and I realised it had thrown me into a trance
Similar kinda sonic approach as Cult of Fire, I can only describe it as 'band-limited,' but the musicians and technicians behind it are supremely talented

--This has been an epic ramble, I'm lagered, sorry if it doesn't make sense
I've posted some amazing tuneage though so I'd rather you go on that than anything I've said :D

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Yeah Cult of Fire are great I remember enjoying that album alot, Panopticon was quite original both in themes and musical approach when he came out on the scene, I know his early stuff, afaik he transitioned to bluegrass music or something, didn't follow his latest output. Drudkh I've never liked.

And this, this is fucking amazing
Yeah some people find Krallice a bit too bloated and rich, I was skeptical myself, but if you just give them time they trip you out proper. Now I am a fan.

Today he has no means, he's alone and anonymous
But written in his cells, he's got the marks of a genius
I'm looking for this man to sell him to other men
To sell him to other men to make us rich and famous

One, you lock the target
Two, you bait the line
Three, you slowly spread the net
And four, you catch the man

You catch the man, you catch the man
I'm looking for this man to sell him to other men
To sell him to other men for ten time its price atleast
I'm looking for a man who knows the rules of the game?
Who's able to forget them to realize my aim

One, you lock the target
Two, you bait the line
Three, you slowly spread the net
And four, you catch the man

Freeze, shoot to kill or die
Freeze, shoot to kill or die

You catch the man

Sorry @RYKANSLOPE, just stirring shit :Rofl:
I'll inevitably end up at EBM when listening to black metal but, this shit's plenty 'ard by my reckoning