The next four years in the US


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in bed................
I'm posting this cos undoubtedly there is going to be a lot of talk in the SB about how tErriBle aNd cOrRupT the incoming US Administration is going to be and, to be fair, those comments are likely to be right and you won't get any argument from me.

However, I just wanted to post somewhere to point out that the Democrats have been/are really just as f*cking appalling (but claim to have "values"). Hypocritical, genocide enabling, anti-worker, corrupt, corporatist war whores who have continued to bomb the shit out of the world in the name of Freedom and Democracy since they were elected.

Happy Trump inauguration day

Well, curiosity got the better of me and I watched his inauguration speech. F.U.C.K.I.N.G. H.E.L.L.!!!
As far as I can make out he's just pretty much declared war on Mexico and Panama, and probably the rest of South America, too, not to mention a good proportion of US citizens themselves.
How the fuck can he get away with saying "We will expand our territories."???

While I am fully behind the sentiments expressed in the OP here, I really can't help thinking that this is actually a very dark day for anyone who isn't isn't an American WASP.
Speaking as someone with WASP family and friends in Murica, it is a dark day for them too. I know millions of them voted for Trump, but many did not and if they are also female, LGBT+ or working class, they are in for a very tough time. Obviously a Harris victory would have been better, but I too agree with Biggins - she had already lost the election before taking over as candidate and that is on the entire party, not just her or Biden, with divisions stretching back years.

I felt the same about Brexit and am not naïve enough to think we are out of the woods with Starmer, because he keeps backtracking on manifesto promises, scoring own goals and behaving more like a Tory. If that carries on, people will ditch him in droves at the next election and head to Reform, much like disenfranchised Tories did - either that or someone like Boris will stage a comeback now Trump has proven that the seemingly impossible is nothing of the sort. Either way, I am not stupid enough to think that this is a reprieve for us any more than Biden was.

Indeed, if Murica has proved anything, it is that the political climate in the west has shifted massively over the past decade and traditional loyalties are much more fragile than they used to be. The Democrats were negligent in resting on their laurels and have a lot of work to do to win those voters back, much as I feel Labour has a lot of work to do to keep theirs. However, the left is so fractured and up its own arse right now, I cannot pretend to be hopeful. Much of what Trump spews is bluster, but if even a fraction of what he is threatening actually happens, it will destabilise the entire globe, not just the USA, and I think we will see the UK following suit in time.

"Who would've thought that if you abandon the working class then they will abandon you" (Jonathon Pie ^^ )

In the US this (apparently) started with Clinton who turned to Wall Street and the corporations (source: "Listen Liberal" by Thomas Frank & various talks by Chris Hedges). Looks like this is the same pattern across various parts of the world (inc Aus) and we are living with the ramifications of those moves to corporatism. What was the Left has been co-opted by the Shit Lib left and lost a lot of people along the way. I'm not even sure if it will recover (which is a sucky thing for me to write). The actual Left is as FHF said to fractured and up its arse.

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"Your guilty conscience may force you to vote Democratic, but deep down inside you secretly long for a cold-hearted Republican to lower taxes, brutalize criminals, and rule you like a king. That's why I did this: to protect you from yourselves."

-Side Show Bob
The 5th year will be civil war in America. But no one will know who they are fighting or why.
United States Army General Mark A Milley has resigned.
Milley was a highly decorated Commanding General in the Army, served in many operations, and was Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from September 30, 2019 to September 30, 2023. He considered resignation several times, most notably when Trump had pulled Milley from an important meeting to use as an escort to get through the fog of tear gas at the capital during a protest so that Trump could get his picture taken holding a Bible in front of a church.
This is his resignation letter, and it's worth a read :

"The events of the last couple weeks have caused me to do deep soul-searching, and I can no longer faithfully support and execute your orders as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. It is my belief that you were doing great and irreparable harm to my country. I believe that you have made a concerted effort over time to politicize the United States military. I thought that I could change that. I’ve come to the realization that I cannot, and I need to step aside and let someone else try to do that.
Second, you are using the military to create fear in the minds of the people—and we are trying to protect the American people. I cannot stand idly by and participate in that attack, verbally or otherwise, on the American people. The American people trust their military and they trust us to protect them against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and our military will do just that. We will not turn our back on the American people.
Third, I swore an oath to the Constitution of the United States and embodied within that Constitution is the idea that says that all men and women are created equal. All men and women are created equal, no matter who you are, whether you are white or Black, Asian, Indian, no matter the color of your skin, no matter if you’re gay, straight or something in between. It doesn’t matter if you’re Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, Jew, or choose not to believe. None of that matters. It doesn’t matter what country you came from, what your last name is—what matters is we’re Americans. We’re all Americans. That under these colors of red, white, and blue—the colors that my parents fought for in World War II—means something around the world. It’s obvious to me that you don’t think of those colors the same way I do. It’s obvious to me that you don’t hold those values dear and the cause that I serve.
And lastly it is my deeply held belief that you’re ruining the international order, and causing significant damage to our country overseas, that was fought for so hard by the Greatest Generation that they instituted in 1945. Between 1914 and 1945, 150 million people were slaughtered in the conduct of war. They were slaughtered because of tyrannies and dictatorships. That generation, like every generation, has fought against that, has fought against fascism, has fought against Nazism, has fought against extremism. It’s now obvious to me that you don’t understand that world order. You don’t understand what the war was all about. In fact, you subscribe to many of the principles that we fought against. And I cannot be a party to that. It is with deep regret that I hereby submit my letter of resignation."

Well done that man!=, let's hope some of your peers follow suit...