1. being truly in love... with anything
2. being able to trust someone...you dont even know
3. using your god-given talents for a job
4. helping ppl who really need it.
5. that look on your friends face at his/her first psy-party
6. sitting at the base of a tree with that special someone, on a full moon, at a trance party, on a lot of ****, listening to dark melodic full-on, looking at each other and knowing that your about to crawl off somewhere and f*** like animals :lol1:
7. when the vibe at a party is so good, that your sad, not relieved, when you go home...
8. playing a really smooth set and watching everyone dance like aboriginies
9. knowing in your heart that material possession, outside of what you need, is worthless and petty to persue, and being content with it, knowing that as you read this, the other 90% of human beings never will.
10. <this is just me> when your girlfriend is really hot and she wears her hair pixie cut
man that shits sexy...