the tune-finder


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this was going to be just me asking if anyone could name this tune, but i think others should use it whenever they want to find out the tune they're looking for. whether you have lyrics, descriptions, which DJ played it, even a sample, just post it here or maybe u can help someone out.

the tune i'm looking for is by Dub Syndicate i think, heard it the other day. has the repeating chorus "jamica, europe, food for your thought and your medication, jamaica, america, food for your thought... etc..."

if anyone knows this tune please help me out!

haha :D found it myself
dub syndicate- jamaican proverb
but still, if your lookin for the title of a tune, post it here and maybe someone can help you out
Right - a tune I want to find......

Its a remix of a bamboo forest tune i think. It has the same beatuiful arabian women style voice over, and comes in after a break that has the singing part with it over the top of the beats after the brek. Acidy jab in the background that is before the break aswell as after it..... Psychedelic trance and isnt cheesy at all despite the voice over. Just has a really deep sound. Any clues??
tikal, off their album (the last one); can't remember the name of the track though... think it's track 7 or 8 though
Just got hold of the track i think your on about....its called breath(bamboo remix) off the ritual dance album. This wasnt the tune though.......similar sort of voice over, and style though - could well be a tikal tune (the tunes not that fresh in my mind though so its hard to tell)....could any one try and point me in the right direction if they've got any idea what else it could be??
Hi, I'm looking for a psy track, it's got samples of Homer Simpson in it (from the episode where Homer gets prescribed marijuana and he gets high).....killer track, what's the name??
hmmm, don't think it's that one Nautilus,
it was a while ago i heard the track, don't remember any specific samples, but I'm sure they're all from that episode (where Homer gets high)
...actually, i think somewhere in the song Dr Hibbert says ''the skull or the wizard?''
Hia, I'm looking for an amazing track that James Munroe played on sunday afternoon at the Origin Stage at Glade...

It was a bit tech housey with a really big funky farty synth bassline.. it blew my socks off :) I suspect its going to be tough to find as it probably doesn't fall in to the psy/prog/trance realm (i.e. may well not be available at psyshop). Does anyone else at least know the tune I'm talking about??
was wondering if anyoen knew what the track was that eskimo opened his set with on saturday night at Glade?

the sample sounded like it may have been an orb remix or summat, but whatever, it was fooking bangin!
LiquidMethod said:
Hi, I'm looking for a psy track, it's got samples of Homer Simpson in it (from the episode where Homer gets prescribed marijuana and he gets high).....killer track, what's the name??

try SPLIFF RICHARD - Funny Funk.... it is on one of the boom records compilations.

I dont know where the homer sample comes from, but it is there... saying something like:

HOMER: No tv and no beer make Homer ??dumping? dumping??
MARGE: Oh crazyyy
HOMER: dont mind if I do....

and then homers screams and screams....
How about this one? Played by Protoculture at Glade... only thing I can remember is the sample, music completely drops out: "How do they know this reality isn't just another simulation?"
Ok I have one...

The sample goes something like :

Barrier breach in sector 31
I think we can easily handle a few phantoms in a contained space
Relax general when this nights over youre gonna be a hero.

Crazy tune! Lush percussion all over the place ...
SpudBlud said:
Barrier breach in sector 31
I think we can easily handle a few phantoms in a contained space
Relax general when this nights over youre gonna be a hero.

Parasense - Iron Punk
amoe said:
How about this one? Played by Protoculture at Glade... only thing I can remember is the sample, music completely drops out: "How do they know this reality isn't just another simulation?"

If it was during Nate's Dj set i would say it's:

CPU // Simulation // Moonkeys // Moon Spirits Records