the tune-finder

Not sure about the tune, but whenever I see that footage of the so-high guy in the red/pink top and baseball cap at 06:57, I start to feel like I'm tripping too.
Wowsers. What a party.

which track is playing

I am really curious how come GoaGil (at 1'30"ish) has added 50bpm to his sets compared to the 125-130bpm of that clip. Also, how come even daytime psytrance trundles along at 145+ Is it just me that thinks people are dancing more animatedly at lower tempos? I'm totally baffled at why there's pretty much no psytrance made anymore at house tempos - defo a gap in the market!
Thanks for the replies, not sure I am going to find these tunes, I actually found this vid on the bleep43 site and listened to a bit of that mix before posting this to help but as the author says his mix is more uplifting stuff, this seems a bit edgier and harder though not quite sure what time of day the clip is played, maybe evening? I have been digging into one of the artists mentioned like Front 242 , Skinny Puppy etc... but I reckon Laurant was pretty clever cutting and editing his own tracks so may be tricky to find,. Actually wondered myself how psy trance became so fast, maybe to reflect heart rate but sure sounds funkier in between 120 -140 bpms.; I often pitch down my psy tunes to listen at home.
Realise i was at a spiral tribe party in the UK about this time, though my friends and I used to call the music 'traveller techno' , we would all spoon out on acid and home made mushroom trips, good times :wookie::groovy:
wondered myself how psy trance became so fast, maybe to reflect heart rate

Just out of curiosity and with the race starting soon, I had a look at average heart rates during Le Tour de France and the figure I could find quickly is "Average heart rate during the race in the 15 cyclists was 136 bpm"

It's worth bearing in mind that Le Tour riders are generally considered to be amongst the fittest people on the planet, so it would appear that the average sustainable heart-rate for a general population might be somewhat lower than 136...

edit: so then I was curious what sort of tempo is used within Native American shamanic traditions and found this link which has passages like, "about three beats per second (180 beats per minute) ...some studies have found that brain wave patterns of subjects listening to drumming (as measured by electroencephalography) showed auditory driving responses...Trance drumming is very fast, with no accents and no breaks, and "it must be continuous for at least 15 minutes to be effective"...One research study found that major brainwave changes were produced in subjects listening to rhythmic drumming when the frequencies were changed (e.g., from two beats to four beats per second)...Other studies have found that drumming at three to four beats per second produced characteristic brainwave changes...There is no consensus on how fast the drumming must be to induce an altered state, with various authors claiming that the pace must be between 160 to 220 beats per minute, between 200 to 210 beats per minute, or about 300 beats per minute...Schumaker (1995) said that analyses of various drum recordings from non-Western religious ceremonies tend to show that "hypnotic" drumming of this sort has a mean frequency of about 180 beats per minute. Another author said that Native American ceremonial drumming is often in the region of 240 to 420 beats per minute, the same frequency as theta brainwaves ...Since hypnotic trance is a subjective state of consciousness, it is likely that rapid drumming anywhere from 160 to 400 beats per minute, continued for several minutes, can induce an altered state of consciousness in people who are motivated to experience such a state. Walsh (1996) said that "when a drum is played at a tempo of about 200 to 220 beats per minute, most Western novices report that they can journey successfully, even on their first attempt"

System7 wrote something though about how it's not always just to do with the kick - other rhythms within the music can latch onto mechanisms to drive shifts in neural activity.

still curious, I found this that looked at 90,000 tracks from general global dj playlists and looked at trends
"We see that the general distribution of the tempi shows a clear preference for tempi around 130
bpm (close to preferred tempo) and a large majority of the tempi falls within the preferred ‘tempo-octave’ 80-160 bpm...In previous research on tempo preference (Moelants, 2002b) we determined the existence of a preferred tempo between 120 and 125 bpm. This is significantly faster than the 100 bpm found by Fraisse (1982). The preference for tempi around 120 bpm, was found in both the distribution of tempi found in different samples of music, as in the natural tempo of simple repeated movements (tapping, clapping, walking). This tempo can be associated with the most natural speed for repetitive movements, or the ‘natural frequency’ of the human body. Applied to music we find it in both the speed of the beat as in repetitive tapping and dancing to the beat. Following the resonance theory of tempo perception (Van Noorden & Moelants, 1999) we can see the body as a oscillator with a fixed resonance frequency that starts moving under the influence of an external force, provided by the beat of the music "

Hmm - it's not a bad read that paper...I'll see if can snag a graph to upload...


Ok - they totally should totally have stretched to colours for the graph! But I'm guessing "Afro-American" is the first peak - fairly normal distribution around hip-hop 95bpm? and then House around 130bpm, Trance also normal distribution around 140bpm and then much more spread-out Fast

cool - that paper has some blurb about different patterns of movement associated with each tempo cluster...
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I'd love to hear more midtempo psy trance.

Zenon has a few tracks I like, but that's more progressive/minimal. Sab Kuch Milegator did a whole album of sub 130 bpm goa trance, pretty crazy sounding actually, but I like it and you might too:

Hi, long shot I know but would love to know which track is playing from0:10 onwards, Dj is Laurant from Goa, party from 1992, just love the craziness of this sound, you can fully hear how psy trance evolved from these tracks, dance floor is alight B-)

The track in question is Inductor Zero - Target 3. VERY obscure, only appeared on one compilation AFAIK.
Good skills on spotting that tune!

(I was just thinking about "midtempo" tag. I think it's sometimes used to mean ~hip-hop tempo, indicating the music's sort of in-between horizontal ambient chillage and main dance-space. But then I've read Ajja write about his own music as being "neither too fast nor too slow" as if 150bpm was inbetween something and more gabba/tekkno bpm. I'm really drawn to that idea of "the body as an oscillator with a fixed resonance system" and hope that there's a different way of sussing out beats - to do with observing what's a comfy range of tempo for humans to - oh, all sorts of movements really - swing hips, nod heads, step/bounce etc and then make music designed around those movements - instead of where we're at now which might be a little bit lost in sticking to genre rules. I'm way less than a beginner, but I think psytrance and psybient are doing it wrong somehow. I'd love to see a bit more syncopation too - how we don't need to hear every hit to sense a pulse. I have a vague plan to teach myself Blender and then mock up some wire-frame models of dancers from vids and try placing beats whenever limb joints change direction...also syncing stuff up frame-by-frame of dancers in Logic - I'm years away from any music to show for it tho - but there's potential for Cyclops/MAX to do it in real time - motion capturing movement into music rather than the opposite we have at the moment)
I'm looking for a psy/goa track/compilation (one of those where the compilation is the entire track) with red queen samples from resident evil.

I'm not sure if it's one or both, if they're from the same track or different tracks:

1. I implore you. Implore away
2. You're all going to die down here

To the best of my recollection this would've been before 2007.


Edit: I have checked psydb sample database with no relevant results.
hello folks!

im not sure, if i have come to the right forum, but lets five it a try :)
im a full-on lover since some years now and even though i find my way into all kinds of psychedelic music, i feel like it will always be my home. im looking for 2 tracks for a while now, found both in recorded sets, the first one was played by a french guy called psyva who wouldnt answer me asking for this track which just sounds like pure serenity to me... here is a link to the cut:

the second track is cut from a which i cant find any further information about, whoever recorded it called himself digital infection and the set is called "Set Goa Trance - Tribute 2". this tune fascinates me so hard, i cried various times listening to it when i was in a confused mood... the break sounds like unfolding my entire soul and i never know how to describe the feeling but i think it is absolutely positive... here is the cut:


im not expecting too much but still i have enough hope that someone at least has an idea, where those tracks could come from. to anybody who has read this post, let me know what you think about them!

cheers :)
There's a tune I heard at illumiNaughty a few years ago that had a really cool break then a "loading bassline" sample. Any ideas? (could have been atomic pulse)
it is absolutely not atomic pulse and pretty "newschool" but ill give it a try :Smile3:

Hi guys! :Grin:
I have now been looking for ages (not literally, but a long time) for this song I heard in this youtube video.
I was hoping someone here maybe could identify the song.

There it is. The song is starting at 16:38 and ends 16:53.
It is not Infinity - Car accident, as one guy stated in the comments.
I have tried Shazam and Soundhound with no luck.
Thanks in advance if anyone know what song this is. :Smile3:
Okay, So I've been searching for this songname for about two years now without success.. The track was played in Fabric London 10/05/2014 I think..

Can someone help me?
Greetings everyone!

So, long story short. I've been trying to find artist/trackname for this one for nearly 20 years. Not even come close. Thought it may be early Goa/Psy, but might be a sub-genre for either. It is recorded from a LP, so the quality ain't the best, but the track sure is.

Unknown Track (dropbox)

Have some other ear candy thats been lost. It has the same dark-ish theme as the above song, slighty lower bpm, but with a girl talking at times, hypnotizing you.

Don't remember all the things she said, but some text goes like "Relax, close your eyes .... .... ... let the music express your sexuality ... listen to hypno trance..."

Little to go on there. But sometimes you do win the lottery :)

Cheers and thanks!
Any psy geeks who can tell me the name of the track from 05:50 and the one from 09:45?
