Top 10 Things to do in Bed


Fluffy Love
Reaction score
1. Sex

2. Listen to Music

3. Watch TV

4. Eat

5. Read

6. Play Lego

7. Knit

8. Sew

9. Count Money

10. Hide
1. sleep (duh)
2. frolicking ;)
3. curling up into a ball under your duvet with a torch
4. making a den out of said duvet and bed
5. seeing how many times you can roll over in a double without falling off the edge
6. bouncing up and down on it (not strictly in bed i suppose, but hey)
7. doing commando rolls onto it and landing neatly lying down
8. hogging the duvet
9. doing that thing where you stand up and fall with your body straight onto your face. so much fun.
10. erm read and other normal things.

1. playstation
2. dreamcast
3. hide sweets under your pillow (jus not chocolate ones)
4. play the guitar
5. (adaption of opia's 7) run at it jump, do a ninja style roll and land on the floor next to it...good for when having an elastic band fight an need a impressive way to get to a hiding place
6. have someone on ket squeezin your arse (happened to me once, was to stoned to do anything bout it)
7. sing, THERE WERE 10 IN THE BED AN THE LITTLE ONE SAID ROLL OVER ROLL OVER, and roll whenever the roll over line comes up to see how many can actually fit in the bed
8. wrrrestle
9. lie awake and watch headlights climb the blinds
10. snuggle....yeah i kno, everyone say aaawwww but you kno you love it too :P
have to admit, sorry its a lyric cant remember the song or the artist but its on the high fidelity soundtrack

"i lie awake in bed, and watch headlights climb the blinds
i wonder whats goin on inside your mind"
oh! haha, ah well.. i do it anyways, looks rather pretty on my purple curtains too :wizard1:
1.) lie down :D
2.) make lurrrve

3.) huggle

4.) stargaze outta window
5.) think/reflect
6.) make pictures outta shadows
7.) sleep

8.) wake-up

9.) draw
10.) dream
1) sleep
2) think
3)listen to music with the lights off
4) read
5) make small camp fires
6) practise lessons learnt from Ray Mears survival guide
7) watch films
8) cut open a hole in a cuddly animal and then have sex with it
9) pray
10) watch passing police lights flicker round your room
1. sleep
2. sex
3. pillow fights w/special sumone :wub:
4. read
5. diving from floor onto bed
6. gettin back out of bed to switch lights off :crazy:
7. tv/playstation
8. farting (specially fun when someone in bed with u)
9. snore
10. dream

at my house, on the futon:

1) *ahem* *giggle* :wub:
2) :smokingr:
3) watch DVDs
4) scratch me plums (A.M. or P.M.)
5) play FIFA 2004 world cup on the PS2
6) play medal of Honor Frontline and Rising Sun
7) fart
8) listen to ambient stuff
9) click my spine...feels soooo gooood
10) peruse my collection of victorian porn.

at her house in the big double bed.#

1)*ahem* *giggle* :wub:
2) :smokingr:
3) sleep.
1. Snoooooooooooooz :)
2. Bump n grind :lol:
3. Watch tele
4. Skin up
5. Pretend you're an olympic trampolinist! :D
6. Back cracking!! (i'm wiv u on that one Mr 5)
7. Try to fart the eastenders tune
8. Eat junk food
9. Have teddy bear fights :unsure:
10. Draw/write fings
I wanna go to a sleepover at kevs missed out number 11.

11) cry into my pillow as arsenal get knocked out of the champions league by a "lesser" team..
Ahh, but I'm safe in the knowledge of number 12

12. Sleeping easy knowing I support a team who are most likely to recieve a trophy on a regular basis.
1. Inventive, outrageous, fun and uninhibited sex.
2. Knackered, drunk or cosy sex.
3. Sleeping.
4. Wondering about things.
5. Reading.
6. Cuddling someone.
7. Cuddling pillow in absence of better option.
8. Vaguely fantasising about 1,2 or 6. Sometimes in conjunction with 7.
9. Working out whether to get up and go to work or think of a decent excuse not to.
10. Checking levels of hallucinogens in bloodstream ...
hang head over the side of bed an look at an upside down world to a) get a phat (thas right, p h fat) headrush when you lift it up again and b) to call work to pull a sickie, trust me hangin your heed upside down makes you sound a lot more sicker
martin_e said:
1. Inventive, outrageous, fun and uninhibited sex.
2. Knackered, drunk or cosy sex.
3. Sleeping.
4. Wondering about things.
5. Reading.
6. Cuddling someone.
7. Cuddling pillow in absence of better option.
8. Vaguely fantasising about 1,2 or 6. Sometimes in conjunction with 7.
9. Working out whether to get up and go to work or think of a decent excuse not to.
10. Checking levels of hallucinogens in bloodstream ...

:P exacttly
Juggling with oranges in bed is fun :juggle: - until your partner throws them at the wall :D

Also pretending to be in a western by making a room out of your quilt with pillow swinging doors :)
