DJ Brucie

A Psy-lum Seeker
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I've been thinking of getting this on vinyl even though I tend to progressive stuff these days. Whats the lowdown on this one? Its got a new Hallucinogen remix on it so surely there is at least one killer track.
Listen to me....

It's worth it JUST for the Data Links remix. Trust me on this one Brucie Baby.
Get it on CD coz you'll ware out your vynil soon enough caining this one track..

Defo worth it for the Datalinks Remix and Hallucinogen Remix, and Nissimyani vs Melovskys is a good fun romp..... little let down by some of it just good rather than exceptional!
datalinx rmx ...wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee yum! hallucinogen rmx of t.i.p is wow! great to hear a nice well produced kick drum along side the bestest of oldskool psychedelik soundz. nissimyani vs meverwovshis is gruuvi as fukk, very simple soundin but eFekTiv.
great artwork and texture on album sleeve, simply luvli :wub:
second half of album getz a bit israeli-sounding for my liking but not bad ...
It's alright, but if it wasn't in the Colours series I think on the merit of the tunes alone it certainly wouldn't be essential purchase...although maybe it would be but as it's in the Colours series you expect (rose tinted biggles helmet on and fly the psychedelic Sopwith back to 1996) it to have a certain impact that it's lacking...

I dunno, I guess I just wanted it to hit me like Lunar Juice or Let There Be Light did back in the day and it doesn't.
Too-True-Monkey-doo, and I love that Indi feels the force sooo strongly...

I can't wait for the Datalinx to drop somewhere somehow...

BooM :smoke:
Monkey Do said:
although maybe it would be but as it's in the Colours series you expect (rose tinted biggles helmet on and fly the psychedelic Sopwith back to 1996) it to have a certain impact that it's lacking...

To be fair, the music as a whole has moved on from that time - plus Goa/Psychedelic trance has been around for an age now, so it's a bit unfair to expect it to be as groundbreaking as the early Colours albums were.

I had a similar feeling when Jane's Addiction released their new album last year - a load of people ragged on it for not being as 'good' as Shocking or Ritual - when the truth was that it was as good, but it didn't sound as vital because of the amount of time that had elapsed - it wasn't a bunch of twentysomethings and one thirtysomething living on the edge anymore, they'd all grown up. But the music was still good, and to be frank it still shat on 99% of the other rock releases of 2003.

Of course it's different for a whole scene than it is for a single band, but I think the theory still holds - maybe even more so, as it's had about 10 years to diversify...

I dunno mate, it sounds like you are saying theres nothing new can be done with the scene...

In about 96/97 I went to a Prodigy all-nighter at Brixton Academy and was unbelieveably disappointed with the generic Drum n Bass DJ's they had playing all night in the main arena - I thought being the gods of rave that they were they might find something more creative than that...maybe something up to date but still with a nod to the oldschool hardcore days...I wasn't sure what I expected really...until a housemate turned up with Trade Vol. 4 and played the Pete Wardman disc - it was so current sounding (at the time) yet had a firm bungee cord on the past - it had a Baby Doc remix of "Never Lost His Hardcore" ffs!

The point really is that when reviving the Colours series it *should* have been that Trade CD when in actual fact what we've got is the Prodigy all-nighter. A lazy sounding Hallucinogen remix does nothing to change that.

Having said all that though there are some good tunes on there but don't let the TIP brand skip it up your to-buy list 'cos you'll be disappointed.
Most insightful monkey..

Succinctly put and fair. I'll go with what ever you say in fact...

(I think his avatar is a little too influential)

Monkey Do said:
I dunno mate, it sounds like you are saying theres nothing new can be done with the scene...

Far from it dude, just that if people expect it to revive the past, as opposed to *evoking* it while remaining current, then they're going to be disappointed.

My main problem with things at the moment is that I find a lot of the generic 'Israeli' full-on stuff too cheesy, and too much progressive sounds like warmed-over House music (see my earlier posts for my feelings on 95% of House music ;) ).

...lazy sounding Hallucinogen remix...

To be fair to Simon Posford, I'd say he has an almost impossible job on his hands, given that he practically invented the genre, then proceeded to set the bar very high indeed. In his position, how brave would you be when it came to changing the formula?

Having said that, I have faith. :)

JPsychodelicacy said:
To be fair to Simon Posford, I'd say he has an almost impossible job on his hands, given that he practically invented the genre, then proceeded to set the bar very high indeed. In his position, how brave would you be when it came to changing the formula?

Fair point, on the one hand people would undoubtably be pissed off if it didn't sound like old Hallucinogen stuff - and on the other you get people who might think it sounds like he's run out of tricks.

Bloke can't win.
Interesting balance of view herein...

"if people expect it to revive the past, as opposed to *evoking* it while remaining current, then they're going to be disappointed."

A little confused I feel, but get the jist...

TIP are becomming a little branded. But that's fine. They have a broad enough selection of artists and Dj's to warrant their occasional wayward output.

DATA links rmx still rocks though. Christ almighty... :?
Zaven said:
"if people expect it to revive the past, as opposed to *evoking* it while remaining current, then they're going to be disappointed."

A little confused I feel, but get the jist...

Aack - I'm at work, ye cannae expect me to make sense! ;) :P

I guess what I mean to say is that if it sounded exactly like a TIP release circa 1995, then people would complain that nothing new had been learnt in the intervening time, but that if it bore no resemblance at all to the old Colours records, then they'd have the 'soulless cash-in' accusation levelled at them.

Ergo compromise is a necessary evil.

Or alternatively, you can't please every bugger. ;)

Another TIP CD piled high with remixes. It would be nice to see them releasing new original tunes again. :runsmile:
Zaven said:
Listen to me....

It's worth it JUST for the Data Links remix. Trust me on this one Brucie Baby.
Get it on CD coz you'll ware out your vynil soon enough caining this one track..


Couldn't agree with you more. The Datalinks track has been much improved from the original.

Really like the Melovskys track too. What film do they quote at the beginning and midway through? I think it's Snatch but I've no idea why. Anyone know?