DJ Brucie
A Psy-lum Seeker
I've been thinking of getting this on vinyl even though I tend to progressive stuff these days. Whats the lowdown on this one? Its got a new Hallucinogen remix on it so surely there is at least one killer track.
Monkey Do said:although maybe it would be but as it's in the Colours series you expect (rose tinted biggles helmet on and fly the psychedelic Sopwith back to 1996) it to have a certain impact that it's lacking...
Monkey Do said:I dunno mate, it sounds like you are saying theres nothing new can be done with the scene...
...lazy sounding Hallucinogen remix...
JPsychodelicacy said:To be fair to Simon Posford, I'd say he has an almost impossible job on his hands, given that he practically invented the genre, then proceeded to set the bar very high indeed. In his position, how brave would you be when it came to changing the formula?
Zaven said:"if people expect it to revive the past, as opposed to *evoking* it while remaining current, then they're going to be disappointed."
A little confused I feel, but get the jist...
Zaven said:Listen to me....
It's worth it JUST for the Data Links remix. Trust me on this one Brucie Baby.
Get it on CD coz you'll ware out your vynil soon enough caining this one track..