To all the music makers out there

I have loads of tiny 16 bar loops of kick and bass line saved of in Logic. This come from getting caught in a rut of felling like I want to write a tune but not actually being in the...Zone to do so.
When a tune dose come its usually from the most unexpected little thing and once it has begun then I go in to an auto pilot Zen like mode and wont leave the thing alone for fear of losing it if I walk away. This means lots of late nights unfortunately.
I work pretty linearly even in production terms except for the intro which can be written at any moment in the process an almost never at the start.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Colin OOOD @ Apr 21 2004, 09:26 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>... then it tends to go kind of blank and I wake up a few days later surrounded by empty noodle packets, with a Cubase arrangement in front of me, the monitor volume up full-blast and my hand on the spacebar.

hands up anyone who's had to replace a keyboard from too much spacebar thumping!!! :lolsign:
I've had to replace a keyboard from too much ash and hotrocks falling on and between the keys as I press F3 and whatnot whilst holding my reefers.
tweaka said:
apple - stupid f**ks. looks all pretty to begin wiv.
but then starts to resemble a 'see-through' dustbin after a short while.

Sounds like MacOS... *ducks* :P


Thanks to everyone for contributing!

'Arv lernt lerds, me (Hull accent).

Pascal (OVNI) - a guy I work with a lot, used an old Mac for ages with Cubase triggering his (mainly analogue) kit via CV.

The limited memory on the Mac got him into the habit of conserving memory by using groups.

He still works tht way even though things have moved on.

He kind-of works by making order fro chaos. He step edits some fairly random stuff, looks at that he has to work with and starts to shape it into some kind of order.

He stacks loads of parts in a loop and then arranges the tracks using the groups when he's got enough together.

Works quite well when I work with him since my approach is more as a provider of accompanyment. When the basics are there, I can spot what extra parts will work with the existing material.

I think I'm going to use the 'start with loads of random stuff and chop it back' theory rather than the blank sheet method more in my work since it makes for structures I wouldn't naturally come up with.

I think I'm also going to start working with quantise totally switched off. Hard quantise doesn't help the groove in my experience.

Any other tips, tricks and ways of working?
I think I'm also going to start working with quantise totally switched off. Hard quantise doesn't help the groove in my experience.

nice idea, but if you are wanting DJ's to play this it will be a pig to beat match. Not criticising, just saying it is unlikely to get played by DJs much.