Top 10 top 10 things you have done that make you cringe


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1. Sneezing a massive greeny all over the pristine white bed sheets of a guy I really fancied (about 8 years ago, it still makes me want the ground to open up)

2. Accidentally shouting 'LESBIAN' at my ex boyfriends new girlfriend

3. Crashing the server at work on my first day by sending stupid emails

4. All the rejection letters I have ever had (to be fair it's only been about 5 but they still make me cringe)

5. Not recognising the guy I was supposed to be meeting and going and chatting to someone else, thinking it was the guy I was supposed to be meeting.

and a million other things I can't think of now.
I bought a hard house anthems cd in 2002. It caused me a lot of distress.

In no particular order!>

1>staying over you new boyfriends for the first time and wake up snoring/farting/dribbling....
2> the day my dad found my vibrators (Pl)
3>having loud noisy aggressive anal sex with a bf while visiting my parents and thinking they were out, when they'd come home early!
4>accidently having a ciggerette in front of my nana who thinks im a good non smoker!!!!
5> My son pulling down my skirt to revel my pants in the middle of a saturday shopping centre crowd.....
Bird said:
2. Accidentally shouting 'LESBIAN' at my ex boyfriends new girlfriend

Accidentally? Wow - how does that happen ?

1. Telling my uncle that the only qualifications you needed for working as an NCP car-park attendant were stupidity, a hatred of people and interesting limp. Then realising the beginning of the conversation (which I'd missed) was that he'd a new job as an NCP car-park attendant...

2. Accidentally professing undying love to a random single mum friend whilst very pissed two weeks ago. Actually I probably professed undying love to her surgically enhanced breasts wrapped in a fetching corset...

3. Being hauled up in front of the Headmaster (aged 8) to explain why I was caught pissing behind a tree in the playground ... (laziness generally).

... oh the list is infinite!
1. Telling my uncle that the only qualifications you needed for working as an NCP car-park attendant were stupidity, a hatred of people and interesting limp. Then realising the beginning of the conversation (which I'd missed) was that he'd a new job as an NCP car-park attendant...

:excessiv: :excessiv: :excessiv:

ahh dear... things like that happen to me loads :(

i have some but they are truly unspeakable :ph34r:
here are thoughts which make me cringe

the thought of pulling out your eyeball, while still connected by a vein, and rubbing it against really really dry splintery wood :D lol

you know when you pick you nails wrong and theres like a weak, flimsy bit left under your nail... imagine scratching THAT down the chalkboard

speaking of chalk imagine eating chalk

sliding down a razor blade into a pool of iodine

Fromem_Ory said:
here are thoughts which make me cringe

the thought of pulling out your eyeball, while still connected by a vein, and rubbing it against really really dry splintery wood :D lol

you know when you pick you nails wrong and theres like a weak, flimsy bit left under your nail... imagine scratching THAT down the chalkboard

speaking of chalk imagine eating chalk

sliding down a razor blade into a pool of iodine



sleeping with my ex..... worst sex ever ..... yuk !! get OFF ME DAMIT !!

throwing a fit in a shoping centre to prove a point to my son ...

sneezing and what a mess .. and oops no tissue in sight !!

teaching some one to kiss ..... cant teach a gobbler how to kiss .. just doesnt work *wipes spit from face * most disgusting indeed :(
actually, teaching someone to kiss can be quite fun - in a kind of 'lets feel like we're really young and inexperienced and new to this' sort of way :p

obviously if theyre really yuk then not - but assuming theyre a fast learner ;)
Catching the bottom of my skirt in an escalator in Kings Cross tube station and ended up stood there in my undies (thank god for friends who wear trenchcoats!)

Walking through the house naked assuming no-one was home, then realising my dad had let himself in with the spare key.

Drunken nights in karaoke bars, enough said ... ;)
Fromem_Ory said:
here are thoughts which make me cringe

the thought of pulling out your eyeball, while still connected by a vein, and rubbing it against really really dry splintery wood :D lol

you know when you pick you nails wrong and theres like a weak, flimsy bit left under your nail... imagine scratching THAT down the chalkboard

speaking of chalk imagine eating chalk

sliding down a razor blade into a pool of iodine

that was a bit unnecessary wasnt it
the nails on the chalkboard bit yeah, and the chalk thing when i was a kid. i'm not sure i'd be here right now if i'd done the other too.
yeah i got confused between cringing and squeamishness. i stand corrected
rizla said:
throwing a fit in a shoping centre to prove a point to my son ...

think i'll try that one on my mate's kid.
he's a right stropper.

1. almost everything i've ever said on psychedelics.
2. shouting 'lets all take some mescaline!' then pushing the crossfader the wrong way and leaving a hyped up dancefloor with no music while i went nuts to the tune in my headphones.(early days)
3. posting on this forum when i'm pissed, and looking like a twat-a theory that is forever gaining momentum.*sigh*
4. my first stage dive at 16, at a dumpy's rusty nuts gig at the marquee, drunk, decided to jump feet first, everyone moves out of my way, I hit floor, knee hits chin, i break teeth and i get knocked out...
5. playing on the same line up as 'rock bitch', and listening to their setlist of naff songs. the singer then says 'this next one's an instrumental'.
i thought i said 'thank f**k for that' very quietly.
apparently not. proceed to get chased out of gig by most of the band armed with some very unsavoury language and indescriminate hurling of empty bottles of becks premium lager.

seems like most of mine hinge on me being a complete nob after one too many lemonades.
psytrix said:
think i'll 2. shouting 'lets all take some mescaline!' then pushing the crossfader the wrong way and leaving a hyped up dancefloor with no music while i went nuts to the tune in my headphones.(early days)
psytrix said:
think i'll try that one on my mate's kid.
he's a right stropper.
yeah it worked a treat .. now i just gotta wait for my one year to get to the point of understanding tooo ...pfft another fit here i came tehehe:badger:
1. Thinking someone was taking the piss by posting a picture of a hideous women on a forum and saying it was didnt go down to well what i spent about 20 minutes talking about how i find cross dressers amusing and fat people odd making various references to the picture. :unsure:

2. Not realising i was talking to my friends mum on msn and not her; going into much detail about the sex i had the night before and how i swore i saw her mum on a porn channel. Luckily shes a close family friend and it wasnt tooo bad but still.

3. Falling forward and headbutting the snowboard insturctor in the balls. :hehe:

4. Going to school drunk on Absinthe and calling out random abuse all though History, luckily we had a supply teacher who seemed to think i was just demented and disruptive.:drinking:

5. Constnatly sending the wrong text messages to the wrong people.
Fromem_Ory said:
you know when you pick you nails wrong and theres like a weak, flimsy bit left under your nail... imagine scratching THAT down the chalkboard

stealing christmas cards from the other kids draws at school and crossing out the names and sending them back to the kids but from me this time....whilst i had to sit out of assembly cos i was a jehovahs witness :(

falling asleep in the middle of the floor and falling down the stairs at the pulse on my birthday whilst badly wrecked (a couple of years ago )

many many other things that i cant actually say out loud cos they make me cringe too much :(