Top 10 top 5 albums 2 throw on a bonfire

Elysium said:
top 5 albums to throw on the bonfire

1200 mics - the time machine
infected mushroom - i am the supervisor

together with the above ones ..........

exaile - hit the machine( i like only 3 tracks from this album& regret buying it)

asrtix- Artcore ( i like only 2 tracks & comparing to eye2eye is pretty shitty)

Nice thread !
i know what u mean - but i lurves him i do - and actually i like tikal as well and altom - i am honestly not trying to start an argument with u:)
fight fight fight fight fight fight!
Quick put fire out... Have to agree Morph I think those Neurobiotic albums are groovy gear.....
Even if Polaris dude can only write one melody line (poor lad)

Then stoke it backup and chuck on:

1/. All the copies of the 1200 Mics disater that is Heroes of the imagination
2/. Etnica Sharp I didn't hear the whole CD but the samples were bad enough
3/. Astral Projection Amen, don't make me laugh boys, with your hasbeen bullshit, bahhh
4/. Transient Psychedelic Dreams Vol 2 Just because they were good tracks, doesn't mean you should release them again and again and again ( have we rinsed them yet?)
5/. Not the whole CD, but Fairy Tales on Alchemy Recs, Good Phat trax and then Dark Soho come along, and do this really gay key change thing, I mean its not even the right place! it sounds like somebody lent on the keyboard accidently, you f**kwits, what do you think this is toytown... Dark Soho... gay bollox more like. (Should never have been pressed onto a CD) The rest of the CD is good, but I'm willing to sacrifice it all (even Pixel Rinkadink Remix and Orion) because of that bloody key change...
Elysium said:
psysex - the remixes - taking good tunes and making them poo

have you heard it already?? I might cry if they really have fucked up some classic psysex....
geoffwiffen said:
5/. Not the whole CD, but Fairy Tales on Alchemy Recs, Good Phat trax and then Dark Soho come along, and do this really gay key change thing.........
Fair enough, but the Broken Toy tune is class.

I'll stoke up the fire with Alien Pooject - don't worry be groovy..... *hammerbrainsoutsmiley*
Elysium said:
top 5 albums to throw on the bonfire

deck wizards
1200 mics - the time machine
infected mushroom - i am the supervisor
psysex - the remixes - taking good tunes and making them poo

Weeeell, I don't know the Deck Wizards album so I'd take that off the list and put in the new Wrecked Machines album Second Thought. If they'd taken the time to actually think it over again they'd never have released it with that piece of cheesey crap last track on it. The rest of the album doesn't exactly save them from stick either IMO.

The Psysex album I also don't know, but would quite happily replace with Trauma - TB or not 2B, which stinks so bad it'd probably be advisable to stand well back once it's on the fire...

...preferably whilst wearing a full NBC suit.

Can we have every copy of the rest rounded up and burnt at once, so as to save the public from further trauma? ;)
hmmmmm ....

trying to think about what is in my cd graveyard .......

Artax album - the track on Scandinavian Exress was great so I bought the album which was shit ......
Every CD with the words "crystal matrix" on them ..... especially the one complied by XP Poo Poo ...... shit of the highest order ( except the addicted to base tune .... which is shit as concept but actually quite alot of fun !!! he eh )

hmmmm ....... I'll have to keep thinking.

I shall come back to this one later ...... I really do try to avoid buying cd's I dont like but every now and then you still end up with a total stinker !!!!

agree with previously expressed sentiments about Trauma ....... god what utter utter crap ...... ....... terrible .......
i agree with artax i bought that as well - i like track 6..sort of - Pelinpala - Not my cup of tea - you bet your fukin arse its not...
crystal matrix is basically just spun cast-offs.

i agree with the new wrecked machines. 5 day old, skid marked y-fronts.

was well disappointed with the new benza album too, not sure whether it's bonfire material though.

i'm with the esteemed ms goblins on the polaris album too. don't get me wrong, i love polaris. just one track at a time. artists that can't vary their sound, just a little bit, shouldn't be allowed to make an album imho.

i'm also in complete agreement with the right honourable mr wiffen about dark soho. but not just that track. all of them. geigh geigh geigh.

oh, and anything recent from com.pact can meet a firey death too. used to be one of my favourite labels, but now completely shithouse.
The Brainman album on Tip has to feature somewhere :D
After thinking this through a bit more I realised that all cd players need an extra button on them. Once you've played your album through a few times, if you think it's poo, you can just push the button and hey presto:


you've got ten seconds to get it out of there before it melts. :D