Top 10 Top Ten Dead People

1.] Brad Nowell
2.] Kurt Cobain
3.] Jim Morrison
4.] Jimi Hendrix
5.] Bob Marley
6.] Ghandi
7.] John Belushi
8.] John Candy
9.] JFK
10.] Sid Vicious
1. jeff buckley
2. albert einstein
3. my grandad
4. john gielgud
5. sir isaac newton
6. mr tambourine man, rip
7. spotty man
8. richard harris
9. salvador dali
10. every other man who has ever died
jeff buckley is shit tim buckley is good (this is something i feel very strongly on)
just a top six for now cause i'm in a rush

1. Jimi Hendrix :wo^thy:
2. Martin Luther King
3. Cosma
4. Dr. Seuss
5. John Lennon
6. the guy from Father Ted
Elvis (for dying on the bog)
Jim Morrsion
Kurt Cobain
Sid Vicous
Who's that mad British pisshead actor....him :rolleyes:
Elvis (well, he did die on the bog)
Rod Hull
do thay have to be famous ?
My top ten dead people....

1. Timothy Leary
2. Dr B.R. Ambedkar
3. Albert Einstein
4. Princess Diana
5. Albert Hofmann
6. Alexander the Great
7. Bruce Lee
8. Notorious BIG
9. Sir Isaac Newton
10. Gotama Buddha

Perhaps we will all link up someday for afternoon tea and discuss some serious shit... :smoke: :drinking:

Osho Bhagwan Rajneesh
Curtis Mayfield
Timothy Leary
Jimmy Hendrix
Federico Fellini
Notorious BIG
John Lennon
Albert Hoffman

have most influenced me ...

PS: Ambedkar - very true, but not quite top10 for me!
In mixed order

Mother Teresa (she died the same period of Lady D and almost no media coverage)
Che Guevara (Hasta la victoria siempre comandante!!!)
Emile Cioran
Mikhail Bakunin
My grandparents
Fabrizio De Andre'
Marquis de Sade
Miles Davis
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart