Transient Records is no more...


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Aalborg, Denmark
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After much deliberation & soul searching we have decided to shut the label down to allow us to pursue other paths in life.

Our back catalogue will remain available to buy, in traditional & digital format, through the store on this site.

Thanks very much to all the artists whose music we've released & to everyone who has bought our records & supported us over the last 10 years. It's been quite some journey!!

regards & respect

Russel & Glenn

:sad: :no: :o

A sad day indeed... Transient has graced us with many magical releases over the years... Another great British label closes down... R.I.P.


all we can do now is wish the guys at transient all the best for their future endevours ....
NO WAY!!!!! :no: :no: :no:

does this mean my transient t-shirt is now a collectors item? :unsure:

yeah, agreed with lucid basically: "thanks for all the music thus far, best of luck with the future" :hehe:
Its so sad.....I grow up with Transient...lots of vinyls,cds,t-shirts and memories..... :no:
I don't know what to say now.........
This is the result of the appearance of all of these "labels".....
Labels without meaning without destination without this magical psychedelic spirit.Transient was one of the ORIGINAL PSYCHEDELIC SPIRIT.Gave us vibes,inspiration and lot of magical moments all these years!I would like to thank u from my heart for all these!
Thank u for spreading your good vibrations!!

Sincerely yours
Stavros Kamenidis aka Dr.Insect (Predators) - Greece
sad news indeed, and some great releases, but i think (not including the last cosmosis album) you'd have to look back to about 2001 to find anything decent.

it's a bit like losing a grandparent who's not been lucid for several christmases. IMO.

they shifted their emphasis onto prog/house offshoot automatic records -- which is still going strong.
sad news :(

thanks transient and everyone involved for some classic, classic tunage...

i think i will play a transient memorial set at april's psycle - an hour and a half journey through transient's most definitive releases.

That Is Sad News... Wicked Label, A Fav for years, especially the compilation series up until about Vol6...

First Psy Vinyl I ever got was Cosmosis Cannabanoid EP on Transient in 95...

And Cosmosis Intergalactic still sounds wicked today...

Have to agree though Damion, surely there demise is due to the quality of recent releases, it seems the drive had gone to find good psy... and most of the compilations were just track lists rehased from tracks they already owned, not very inspiring!

Hey Lurk what about Twisted! ;)
not one of the originals, and they release fuck all, especially for the dancefloor ;)

1 proper dance release in 2 years... prometheus (younger brother don't count ;)) before that was tristan's album which was lame (imho)
DeathPosture is Danish :wub: :wub:

Uh yeah of course R.I.P Transient - you were always like the label I never knew - go in peace :rolleyes:

Ferret x
lurk said:
not one of the originals, and they release fuck all, especially for the dancefloor ;)

1 proper dance release in 2 years... prometheus (younger brother don't count ;)) before that was tristan's album which was lame (imho)

Totally agree with the release fuck all bit, it takes them 18 months from when its finished to getting it released, then it sounds really old :D
Sad to see another label from the old days going to the great record shop in the sky, thanks for the great tunes over the years, you've provided the soundtrack to many a night and day.

Good luck to them with all their future endeavours. :cool:

Gotta say as well that IMHO the last Tristan album -Substance- was anything but lame, there's some good tunes with real drive on there, does Dirty licker do nothing for you?

I agree that Twisted's release schedule can be laughable, but then they've not exactly had the easiest of years either recently what with their distributors going under owing them monies etc. Also when they do get around to making a release it is invariably of a standard that is way above the norm and for that I'm prepared to wait, surely it's preferable to the usual rush jobs with 2 tunes and a pile of half decent filler that so many are putting out? :)
lurk said:
sorry, dirty licker did nothing for me.

but, that's the only release from twisted i haven't thought was excellent. apart from the first tristan album ;)

Fair enough, after seeing this I guess you just don't like his music at all anyway, each to their own. :)