So, there's a new Thai movie out (which I must admit I haven't seen as yet) called 'Tropical Malady' which sounds very interesting. Set in the rainforests of Thailand the story is about a group of young soldiers who have to go and work in a village in the jungle, and after that things start to get of the soldiers goes off with the local shaman and I can't say anything else because I don't know much more...
anyway, its just come out (end of march) and I don't know how 'general' release it is in the UK (i.e., could it be shown on a multiplex in a local city or town?), its probably on somewhere in Babylondon, but I'm banking on my local arthouse kino in the near future...
Over and out there
anyway, its just come out (end of march) and I don't know how 'general' release it is in the UK (i.e., could it be shown on a multiplex in a local city or town?), its probably on somewhere in Babylondon, but I'm banking on my local arthouse kino in the near future...
Over and out there