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i hate crap twee kicks (but i love the word twee!!!!)

i'm having problems getting a really nice kick drum. all the samples i have of kicks are shit too. i know how to make them in wavelab but i can't seem to get them sounding nice. anyone got some tips or samples?


Check out isratrance forum... they've got some sort of kick frum exchange project! I think people have to contribute a bunch of their own synthesised kicks and then can access everyone elses...

ALso, I got a few nice ones from the demo website of this kick drum synth..

Its for dsp so unless your lucky enough to have a creamware card then the synth s no use... but the demo kick sample pack has some really nice ones.

Also might be worth trying a few dedicated software drum synths. Not sure which are best.

Hope that helps...
panda said:
i'm having problems getting a really nice kick drum. all the samples i have of kicks are shit too. i know how to make them in wavelab but i can't seem to get them sounding nice. anyone got some tips or samples?


I made the kik on my last tune, if you liked that then my tips may be of use. If you thought it sucked, stop reading :)

Making the kick*: Start with a 1sec 50Hz sinewave, use pitch envelopes repeatedly until it starts to sound good (like the infected tutorial above). This is really a "try it for yourself" kinda deal, but have a few goes until you get the idea. The kick you make will probably have a really high freq 'snap' at the start. Don't worry about that for now.

Playing the kick: I think that there are two essential fx you need on a kik - filter and EQ. Sometimes I compress the kick to bring out the punch, sometimes it's not needed.

I use Kontakt for kiks, because it's LPF is really handy for taming the high freqs I was talking about. Try varying amounts of resonance for a more 'knocky' sound. Use the amp envelope to prevent the decay of the kik from 'ringing' for too long.

Tune the kick to your bassline. Not easy, but I find if you just wind the kick pitch up and down alongside the bass, you'll soon find the sweetspot where they work together.

Eq the kick and the bass individually. Generally I remove all the sub from both, say everything below around 50Hz. Also use eq to ensure that if the kick is low then the bassline isn't or vice versa. Both kik and bass occupying the same frequencies will be a mess of distorted mud.

If you want I can mail you some kiks, or the kontakt patch if thats useful to you.


(* Credit where it's due. Thanks to ColinOOOD for putting me onto this in the first place :)
thanks everyone :)

not easy making trance is it?

ichabod. whats flexor when its at home? is it good?

alternate continuum. i dunno about your kick mate. my computer speakers are shit! tune nice tho :)
panda said:
thanks everyone :)

not easy making trance is it?

ichabod. whats flexor when its at home? is it good?

alternate continuum. i dunno about your kick mate. my computer speakers are shit! tune nice tho :)

Hi Panda,

Flexor is a modular synths packages - but I'm afraid you need a creamware Pulsar type DSP processor card to run it, which will set you back a few hundred, minimum. Ichabod was pointing you to the "kickme" synth at the bottom of the page which is a kick drum synth for the same DSP card, but there are some (a lot) of premade kik WAV files there to download.

And yeah, making psy trance is harder than it seems! :lol:

good luck
most of the punch from a kick comes from compression.

if you whack a compressor on a kick drum try this. turn the knee to hard compression. drop the threshold to about -10dB to -40dB. the threshold determines how much of the kick it should compress. you have to set the threshold lower than the peak volume of your kick drum or it'll do nothing. to check the peak volume of your kick use a spectrum analyser. theres some free ones on the net like Elemental Audio Systems' Inspector. thats the one i use.

once you've set the threshold down you'll notice the kick will get quieter. more quieter the low you set the threshold. thats normal. move compression ratio between 1.5 to 1 to about 5 to 1. listen to the effect. the higher the ratio the flatter it will sound as the compresser literally flattens out the frequency range defined by the threshold. up the release to about 2000 ms - this releases the compression slowly. keep the attack low, even on 0 for these kicks cuz if you increase the attack, the first kick that plays will sound weird as the compressor slowly begins to take effect (it will kind of mute the first kick). once you are done, whack up the gain until your kick is peaking around -0.5 dB. pretty much as loud as you can get it without clipping off. in an EQ shelf off all frequencies above 8,000hz, no part of your kick should be above that or anywhere near it tbh. the compressed kick will sound harder, flatter and louder with much more of a THUD to it. if you have fruity loops go to the channel settings on the kick and bring the pogo knob slowly around to the left. it gives the kick a kind of resonant sound that i sometimes hear (like ininfected mushroom's devil). you can compress your other percs for interesting effects. when i hard compress some of my upper midrange hihats it tends to make them sound snappier and tighter. it fucks up the really high sibilant highats though so be careful with it.

i mostly produce hardhouse though so i like having gigantic hard compressed kicks. reset the compresser and change the knee to soft. mess around with the threshold and ration again then gain up to as load as you can make it. the effect will be much rounder, sometimes (depending on the kick) with a sub bass hummmm to it. experiment with the compressor and layers of kick drums. nearly all of my kicks are composites of 3 or 4 kick drums that are all compressed together with a little EQ work.
If you have cubase, whack the kick through Quadra Fuzz on the default setting,

I turned something flacid and limp into my best kick ever.

spot the difference (clikykamitaz)




although the difference is much clearer when it isn't an MP3
jsainsbury said:
Rob alien project.

He's a cunt,.



I've got shit loads of wicked kicks all ready to rock courtest of an expensive sample CD.

There'sa bout 400 odd from everywhere. Buying one of these CD's could be an option, alternatively, find one in a track on it's own and steal it.

Then tell everyone you forged it from a sine wave.

You D'man!

Ichabod said:
Check out isratrance forum... they've got some sort of kick frum exchange project! I think people have to contribute a bunch of their own synthesised kicks and then can access everyone elses...

ALso, I got a few nice ones from the demo website of this kick drum synth..

Its for dsp so unless your lucky enough to have a creamware card then the synth s no use... but the demo kick sample pack has some really nice ones.

Also might be worth trying a few dedicated software drum synths. Not sure which are best.

Hope that helps...

do they work on the power core..
or are not all DSP plugis the same?

so if you have a power core or a cream wear does that mean you can only buy pluins from the individual people?

im co :? nfused
As a new comer to cubase, had not used quadra fuzz b4 but fuck it is pretty handy, cm505's default kick is now in good use so cheers for the hint speakafreaka
As a new comer to cubase, had not used quadra fuzz b4 but fuck it is pretty handy, cm505's default kick is now in good use so cheers for the hint speakafreaka