
I guess he would only open a thread...
i can wait to hear it,i've got a previous mix and it's really gr8mate
seagoblin said:
i can wait to hear it,i've got a previous mix and it's really gr8mate
nice 1, i cant seem 2 figure out how 2 put mix on psy-forum only just got computer bit of an enigma! do u know how 2 do it? if u could give me instructions on how 2 do it would be greatful if cant doit maybe i can post it 2 you, i work 4 the royalmail so wouldnt be hassle...peace...
hey people this is uneven steven. juts trying to resolve a technical problem,. Sorry to you all, thius should be sorted out soon! xxx steven
hey people this is uneven steven. juts trying to resolve a technical problem,. Sorry to you all, thius should be sorted out soon! xxx steven
OK everyone calm down. This mix is available to download at


Thanks to the heroic and awesome efforts of my housemate, without whom this would not have been possible. I would also like to pay a special tribute to the excellent cup of tea he made me during this long, difficult process. : )
opia said:
so who's the girl?
just a lonely chimp i found she may be deformed but shes an amazing mover, needs shaving quite a bit she has this problem of excess hair growth so i have to shave her once a month stops her sweating in the summer time.
TheBarrelShifter said:
Where is the mix?

The provided link (unevensteven2.tripod.com) doesn't work.
dont know why it isnt working man..? only been playing around with computers a short time so i have been getting nerdy mates to do everything for me! fear not as i gonnas have a website upand running in about a week with more mixes that are better quality! shall let people know when this isunderway on psyforum...
Well mate you've done a fantastic job of posting the pic of the girlie but no mix...ah well for those that are still waiting I've heard the mix and its pretty damn good!
So, any developments on the mix front?

I've been waiting to download this mix for sometime now.

Come on unevensteven, you know you can do it.
hehe...bit of a cold day was it?

Bloody subzero by the looks of things.
Looks like the circus are in town.