V/A- Speed Of Light - Magma Recs


Pound Shop Alex Petridis
Reaction score
what in tintern abbey are you talking about?
The Man From Psyreview, he say:

Speed of Light

Bit of an odd one this one -- not as cohesive as other compilations around at the moment but, strewth there’s some utter magic in here. Flashback vs. Virus start things off slow and subtle, one of those tunes that has you wondering “how do I dance to this?†and the point, of course, is it doesn’t matter, nobody’s looking, this isn’t a school disco. Golikem’s Patafrax is up next, with wispy samples and nice chord flurries. Vik On Injection’s R2D2 is sweet, it’s got star wars samples but nowhere near overkill territory… we’re talking tie fighters rather than phasers n’sabres, and the blue-and-white midget makes a little appearance for the chorus, but that’s about it. It’s neat. Parasense comes up with two tunes: Amnezing Tango, a killer intro that sees psychedelic polka give way to full-wibble mental ness, a nd Animal Turn, which is among his best. Harsh, coarse, but overwhelmingly danceable, tons of changes and a hilarious ending. Suria’s Sky Stone isn’t his best, and not as satisfying with more recent material, but you forgive this shortcoming with two utterly killer closing tracks. Misted Muppets’ Odyssey starts out propelling you to the edge of the cosmos by means of some strange quantum catapult, and ends in an acid-driven, melodic, tecchy masterpiece. Seriously, it’s got it all. To add to this, Noga’s Precious brings the album to a heady close with an utter summer classic -- dreamy, hallucinogenic, like morning trance but with imagination, daring production, and most importantly: love. Fucking brilliant, and more please. All in all this is a tasty collection, and we’re being really picky in not giving this full marks. Check it.

4 glasses of soy milk and a flapjack

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