VA - Beaches & Cream (dragonfly)


Pound Shop Alex Petridis
Reaction score
what in tintern abbey are you talking about?
V/A - Beaches & Cream
Dragonfly (UK)

Clearly, after Absolute Threshold, even the mugs among us all can see that Dragonfly are back on form with a sound that's better than it's been in years. Compiled by UK party organiser and DJ Pogo, Beaches & Cream is a cruisier collection of morni ng tunes that sets the tone for european summer sunrises. Silicon Sound set things off with Shodan, a gorgeous opening with effortless Silicon layering, a breakdown long enough to roll a joint in, and a lazy morning groove to ease out those tired legs. Laughing Buddha's appearance with Fractal Tonic had me checking my watch making sure it's not 1997 and I've just paid twenty quid for Tip Singles 2 on vinyl. Welcome back indeed; the productyion is sublime although it's not quite the slammin' reintroduction we hoped for. Protoculture & Pogo pull out all the stops with California Sunshine, an utter gem. Take Protoculture's effortless melodic sensibilities, add some crowd-pleasing samples and a tongue-in-cheekiness too rare these days, and the result is storming. (Cries of 'it's been done before' please form an orderly queue at the back, while the rest of us dance around like lemons.) Brain XL's Rodeo Driver is fluffy and fuzzy, the sound of the sun coming up and getting a li ttle smile off someone at the other side of the dancefloor. Graham Wood's Freedom From The Fresh is a bit of an in-joke, taking it's name from an old Infinity Project tune (psyreviews personally prefers Freedom From The French, but anyway.) It's a big expansive wobbly groove, and the old sounds are there tapping at the windowpane... nice! Bamboo Forest's Bass Trap is a ticklish oddball delight -- it almost sounds oldskool, and with their characteristic melting-pot vibe of throwing all kinds of sounds in together, it hangs together rather nicely. Finally, Laughing Buddha & Aphid Moon's Crystal Clarity is utterly gorgeous -- a killer sample at the start (one of the best in a long time for this reporter), storming and uplifting and anthemic all at once, tip top work chaps. What we have then is a prety neat album -- three utterly awesome tunes out of ten isn't a milestone, but the sound's funky and clean and proof positive that London is indeed swinging once again.


The Absolute Thresholds and Beaches and Cream compilations have been very dissapointing for me. Dragonfly used to lead the way, fusing styles and elements on their compilations, but now they felt like they needed to assimilate their compilations to other existing ones.
Anyway, I am not running the label so they can do what ever they feel is right for them.
But as a dedicated Dragonfly fan who's been buying Dragonfly records for 11 years, I am dissapointed that the inovative, driving, deep and yet funky selection of tunes that came with the Dragonlfy stamp on the record/CD, up until the last amazing Better Living Through Chemistry, Touchin' Bass and Therapy compilations, (with the exception of GW and Bamboo Forest tracks) is no where to be found.

Peace out.
for me this comp has been an emergence back into the cutting edge psytrance game. it's great to see a fine DJ like Pogo compiling for Dragonfly... soem great great tunes, and i have to admit this is the first dragonfly album i have brought in years i am happy with...

i must say i didnt like this comp much at all i was really looking forward to hearing new stuff from ex member of cosmosis jeremy van kampfen(laughing buddha) as i liked his goa stuff back in the 90's but must say was sadly let down boo bloody hoo
i think dragonfly are back on top there are some realy good tracks on this one
bio eclipse track is great protocultre has an outstanding track aphid moons track 10 not bad mabey juls is back to form and i can feel good a goa vibe on this comp dranonfly are ok to like once again i think we realy have to support the uk secene and put it up whree it belongs :wizard1:
mixed reviews and divided opinons are always challenging ! some seem to love it and some seem to hate it!

one seems to forget where Dragonflys roots are and where they started from in 1991. Ricardo and Pogo represent a return to the old energy and sound that was embedded in the inspiration of psychedelic culture.

The ship is steering back to music to loose yourself to and is warming for those invloved. It is so good to have the heads such as Graham Wood and Laughing Buddha invloved as they bring to the label a reflection of old spirit which we want to thrust forward to the future.

Sure the shift will divide people over the next year, but its just a return to the source and roots....
Good to see the label returning to it's old roots as far as I'm concerned Humph. Absolute Threshold and Beaches and Cream (no matter how late it was) are welcome returns to form for Dragonfly, personally I thought Touching Bass was a terrible album (nice cover art, makes a good tattoo at least) and am glad to see you moving on from it.

As for using older hands in the business, don't stop... Graham Wood, Youth, Martin Freeland, Jeremy Van Kampfen, bring em on! These guys set the benchmarks and keep on doing it. Now if you could just get some new stuff out of Greg Hunter as well...

Dragonfly forever!
I think it's a wicked comp, with an nice flavour and warmth to it, and it hits that kinda old and new really well. Played two tracks from it last time I played out. Brain XL, Protoculture and Pogo, Laughing Buddha, Silicon Sound all good tracks for me. Keep it like this Dragonfly.

I used to buy lots of Dragonfly, but I stopped for a while. I prefer this new comp to when the Compilations were like a mix of Proggy stuff and whatever the label artists had produced... they were struggling for an identity, but Beaches and Cream has a clear sound. It's the first Dragonfly comp I bought in a while.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Red five @ Apr 8 2004, 10:31 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> particularly thr Protoculture and silicon sound tracks on it.
Its definately those 2 tracks that stand out! Good comp!
nice to hear positive words. greg hunter would be a great addition to the LSD stable (as he doesn`t make trance anymore) -but he is very busy with films and trying to get an album together is hard !
some new albums for Dragonfly in the pipeline too : Jirah and Laughing Buddha + a special artist album due for summer release - though can`t tell you who at the moment !
watch this space.
liquid ross,

Ever remember Ben Zaven Crane? We met before you went to India in 02, I think. You got one of your boys to play a track I'd just finished in a christmas eve party. I respect that open mind, You rated it and I've since moved on and up.. Got a release on Harmonia with Pan and Protoculture.. Whooo..

Any ways, I'll wear a white carnation..

I saw you on T.V smoking a phat one munching on Weed Omelette!

Who knew?!