VA - Machine Head (phantasm recs)


Reaction score
in bed................
Just got my order through from chaos and i reckon that this album/compilation is top. i haven't had a proper listen to all the tracks and i had to leave my CDs at a mates house so as not to have cycle home with them all last night but after flicking through it and mixing with a some of the tracks i came to the conclusion that it is certainly not pants!!

there is a review here:
no - its not pants ...

In fact, it'll get you wiggling your pants ....... :lol:
machine head, yeh superb
saw them at donington

......'let freedom ring with a shotgun blaaaaaaaaaaaast'

skwelch said:
machine head, yeh superb
saw them at donington

......'let freedom ring with a shotgun blaaaaaaaaaaaast'



:lol: :jump: :lol:
Got this CD in the post today, finally seeing a release for the Party Pooper track!! and it was nice to see Ben Voidcomm, (fellow forumer) got a shout for the sample that Junya nicked from his tune. As debated in some thread a while back. I like the wording though "sample courtesy of Ben Voidcomm" Come on Junya you might as well say Track idea from Ben Voidcomm (and he didn't ask 2 borrow first). At least it got a mention though! :) Ben if you are out there demand some royalities!! I would a few hundred quid is better than nowt init! :!:

Oh and the CD rocks for sure. Junya's Show Me The Money... Genius, Setting the standards and blazing the trail forwards.