Vestax PCV175

I used to have a PCV 175. I think Vestax products are fabulous. It worked great. They stopped making them, so yes, you can get them for rather cheap now. I would go for it.
Psilocybo said:
I'd say your better off buying a pioneer djm300 if it's in your price range...


NO way! :o
The Pioneer DJM300 is horrid, I gave mine away earlier this year!
The PCV175, while not the greatest mixer in the world is far better than the pioneer. It's easier to service and has better sound quality and far better connections on the rear panel. It also has greater flexibility and improved channel metering compared to the pioneer.
The DJM300 has no use outside of a bedroom mixing setup ;)

Go with the Vestax, its a real Mixer not an over priced pioneer bedroom toy :)
Unless you do scratch mixing, low end Vestax mixers are RUBBISH!!

The crossfader curve actually does a STEP before starting the smooth ramp.

I went through exactly the same ordeal as you. I had an old old Numark which was destroyed from over-usage so I ended up trying everything on the market for that budget.

This is what I bought and what I think is most worth the money.

Simple, well-built, good quality SMOOTH crossfaders, record output, simple monitoring system (you don't really want "assign" or PFL buttons for your bedroom setup). Oh, did you see the price? I bought it for 150 last year, it's gone down since..

BUY BUY BUY!!! :rocker:
im a drum n bass producer/dj and the only mixer i have ever been happy with is the technics dmc mixer. I have had about 3 vestax mixers and they all broke. heavens knows why vestax charge so much for there hardwear. And even if the Technics mixer is a no go for you, you need a mixer with a digital crossfader.
Blender Bender said:
Unless you do scratch mixing, low end Vestax mixers are RUBBISH!!

first off as someone who does turntablism Id say any low end mixer is bobbins for scratching quite frankly - scratch mixing requires sbstantially higher build quality and faders that really arent gonna need replacing after a week!

Ive not used them yet but the new PCV range Ive heard have inherent fader quality issues - even tho theyre meant to have revamped the faders, however I cant work out if they just use the ones from the 05/06pro range which are actually rinsing faders [Ive abused one in my mixtick solidly for 5yrs and only needs replacing just now]. Also u can get penny+giles faders now for the 05/06 [and potentially the pcv's too] which quite frankly are the shizntizle and a good long term investment :)

Id recommend staying away from the technics - they dont come with a spare x-fader under the faceplate for nothing!

My advice is always [note: not everyone agrees with this!] if you're serious into mixing or getting into it save up more/wait longer and invest in better kit - it will last you longer and if u buy cheapy stuff you'll end up binning it eventually. If a jobs worth doing its worth doing properly and with the right tools.

Pioneers have a great feel to them - however the 2 channel one has a ridiculous dip in the x-fader which is a really unfortunate letdown imo. The larger ones are great but pricey and need to be well maintained if theyre used as a working mixer.

Good luck in ur search !
