Voice Samples

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well yes, but third party hacked workarounds aside, sidechaining is not a fundamental part of the vst2 spec.

cant say its ever bothered me greatly personally, but then again, you cant learn what you're missing if you cant do it....!

so i may give either colin's or your suggestion a try sometime... if i ever get back to making music (which has been absent from my schedule for about 6 weeks, easily the longest cessation for a good 6 years, doh)
soliptic said:
well yes, but third party hacked workarounds aside, sidechaining is not a fundamental part of the vst2 spec.

Don't talk cobblers Sol.

The TC side-chainer could hardly be described as a "third party hacked workaround".

The Waves, DB Audioware and TC sidechain functions all work fine in SX/Nuendo - more "design feature" than "third party hacked workaround".

A side-chained compresser or gate is a bit of a last resort in this instance anyway.

To increase the intelligability of a voice sample, place a Waves REQ 4 in insert slot 1 and bypass it. Place a Waves RVox compressor in slot 2, set pretty high, and follow that with a Waves De-Esser in slot 3, set to hi-pass @ 2000hz.

Now - un-bypass the EQ and sweep it about until you find the sweet spots of the sample. Cut or boost according to taste.
Who makes the Waves , DB Audioware and TC plugins?

Third parties do.

Who worked out a method of allowing sidechaining (by workarounds such as adding a special insert on a track which doesnt do anything other than allow another insert on a different track to use it as an input) ?

Third parties did.

Doesnt sound like cobblers to me mate.
soliptic said:
Who worked out a method of allowing sidechaining (by workarounds such as adding a special insert on a track which doesnt do anything other than allow another insert on a different track to use it as an input) ?

Third parties did.

Doesnt sound like cobblers to me mate.

But by that definition, every new function added to any 3rd party plugin is a "third party hacked workaround".

By your logic, the entire Nomad Factory Blue Tubes range is a "third party hacked workaround" to make up for the fact that the VST2 spec doesn't include integral valve-emulated EQ and compression.

The TC side chain function is a perfectly reliable and functional way of piping audio from one place to another which brings with it no compromise or inconvenience.

Describing it as a "hacked workaround" implies that it has been bodged up by amateurs.

hackers were never amateur?

adapters are designed to fit ...
Ott^ said:
But by that definition, every new function added to any 3rd party plugin is a "third party hacked workaround".

By your logic, the entire Nomad Factory Blue Tubes range is a "third party hacked workaround" to make up for the fact that the VST2 spec doesn't include integral valve-emulated EQ and compression.

I'm sorry, but I fundamentally fail to agree with that whatsoever.

Thats not how my logic works in the slightest, you're entirely bastardising it :)

What does the VST spec provide?

A means whereby plugins can take one - ONE - audio input, process it in some way, and provide an output of the new effected sound.

So the Blue Tubes range fits precisely into this. It takes an input, processes it - in this particular case, valve-emulated EQ and compression processing - and then outputs that newly altered signal.

What does the VST spec not provide?

A means of plugins taking two audio inputs, one for audio input and one as a sidechain/trigger.

I've not used it, but I presume when sidechaining in Logic , Logic allows you choose an audio bus/channel/track/whatever you want to call it (hell, knowing Logic, it probably allows you to do crazy things with the Environment and then use some arbritary outputs from there) for audiop input and input sidechain.

Whereas in Cubase et al, it does not provide such options for you. Instead, you load another special "helper" plugin, (a stage I presume is unnecessary in logic), which works around this limitation in the host for you.

In short, I'm talking about structures / design schemas / etc, not functionality. I'm saying it does A, but not B, although third-party products do allow workarounds for B. You're giving me something that is a specific subset example of A, and claiming by my logic, since it is third party, it must be a workaround. My logic says nothing of the sort :lol1:

Describing it as a "hacked workaround" implies that it has been bodged up by amateurs.

Again, absolutely not. A perjorative interpretation may have been inferred, but it certainly wasnt implied ;)

It works around a limitation, thus it is a workaround. By definition of the word "works", this means I'm agreeing its functional.

Which just leaves "hacked", and while you may read that perjorative, I honestly dont use it that way - i come from the background where hacker/hacking is meant as a positive term, implying creativity, proficiency and skill. Definition 7 is rather pertinent :D

Hope that clears things up.
PS, its entirely likely I'm factually incorrect somewhere along the line, in which case fine, happy to stand corrected. But regardless of the veracity of my facts, you're misinterpreting the logic i'm offering :)
true, thats all that counts .... to practical, musician-orientated folks like you and ott

its post-linguistic turn obsessive pedants folks like me you've got to worry about :hehe:
soliptic said:
Hope that clears things up.

Oh just admit it - you got caught talking out of your little brown eye.

Its ok - we all do it.

Well - most people.

I don't.

*cough* :unsure:
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