
Fluffy Love
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ok guy's this is going to sound very strange but it needs to be said.

You are under control by evil forces!!!, right now sitting in your chair...reading this very message...we are been herded...like cattle...pigs 'n' stuff.

I have recently spend 1 1/2 years with out drinkning a single, pint or glass of ANY Alcoholic breverage....ladies and gentelmen, it is possible to have a very active social live and not drink!!! you just have to move to a city to do it!!!

In this county we are born into dinking, my mum dose it, my dad dose it, all my freinds do it...alot of the time its all people what to do!!!

but i ask you this why??? Last saturday night I had a drink, it was with a very old freind we had ben drinking together from the age of 16....so she came over I cooked a meal and rather than let her drink alone I joined her for a glass of wine, then a bottle, then 2 and then after a run to the shop, a total of 3 bottle's of wine where consumed...and a really fun night was had, the next day however I find myself tired for the first time in months and mentally unable to focus.....that evening I when to bed feeling dazed, and woke to find myself sweating...some else that I'm not used to do. I as actually sweeting out the alcohol!!!

I then woke on monday morning feeeling like a new person it was weird and a little scary, so this drug alcohol is tottaly shite...its basically posion.
so why are the powers that be happy for it to be given to eveyone, well so you can be controlled and turned into a sheep or somin...am I making any sence...dose anyone understand me...or am I ranting into an abyss?
I'm afraid I'm a little bit pissed right now :lol: Rather enjoying it, and never get hangovers so although I do wish I could be more abstemious, I find it very difficult.

So I guess that kind of proves your point about being controlled.....
I dont drink at all. If I start a beer I cant drink more than a third of it. Rugs are my thing. Lots and lots and lots of varying rugs. RUGS ARE NICE. I am a student, and I dont drink, therefore I am doomed to three years of sitting in my bedroom getting hammered while everyone else gets pissed and throw up all over the place. I am lonely.
Number_six said:
You are under control by evil forces!!!

Yeah, I see it now! The bastards! They've got little machines in every bottle of booze that are controlled by MI5. They communicate with your brain cells without you realising, and make you do things like smile and laugh and forget your troubles for a while.
Well, I've never, ever been drunk so I can't really tell the difference :sun:
It might be that being with an old friend who was a drinking buddy in the past has made you change your mind and have so much to drink. I get the same feeling when I am with certain people who smoke a lot, I definitely smoke more :smokingr: when they are around than I would if I was with others.

Alcohol really troubles some people. For me I can take it or leave it, I enjoy a glass of wine with a meal, but only got drunk once in the last many years, and that was with Albs, we drank a whole bottle of Metaxa brandy. I think we did it because we had not seen each other for ages and one of us had been through the wringer. Made discussing our lives so much easier and we had a great time. Boy, did I regret it the next day!!! NEVER AGAIN!!!

:drinking: :drinking: :drinking:
greatruaha said:
but only got drunk once in the last many years, and that was with Albs, we drank a whole bottle of Metaxa brandy. I think we did it because we had not seen each other for ages and one of us had been through the wringer. Made discussing our lives so much easier and we had a great time. Boy, did I regret it the next day!!! NEVER AGAIN!!!

:drinking: :drinking: :drinking:

:unsure: :? :o :trippn: :blink: :hihug: :hihug: :) :silly: :runaway: .... HIC!!!!
greatruaha said:
It might be that being with an old friend who was a drinking buddy in the past has made you change your mind and have so much to drink. I get the same feeling when I am with certain people who smoke a lot, I definitely smoke more :smokingr: when they are around than I would if I was with others.

i just cant imagen who those people might be!!! :tongue1: :smokingr: :tongue1:

i have not had a drink in about 4 years now and i feel so much better about myself. i never really liked the person i turned into when i drank....glad that it is over.
i dont drink..i dont like the taste and the effects...
moved to uk in august and i find uks drinking habits absolutely SHOCKING!!!
like actually staggeringly bad...
seriously, i thought people drank lots where i came from but compared to here they werent even getting tipsy....
natacherry said:
moved to uk in august and i find uks drinking habits absolutely SHOCKING!!!

I think the major difference is that on the continent, it's spread throughout the day and evening, whereas for most people in this country, you've got just over 4 hours from when work throws you out until closing time... if you've had a shitty day the temptation to overdo it is *very* strong.

As to whether we get more sensible over time, let's hope so!

As to whether we get more sensible over time, let's hope so!

I don't reckon that it ( we ) will just get more sensible in our drinking over time, not as a society, at least. As individuals probably, almost certainly we will - although I still drink daily, I don't get pissed every day anymore. ( which is good ).

As a result of the laws surrounding drinking, a certian culture has grown around it, ( interestingly, it is counties with tight laws concerning alcohol, that seem to have the biggest problems. So it isn't just laws that need to be adjusted, it's also the mentality of a nation of alkies ( sp? ).

Sadly, I see this as a problem for any transitional period. I think that things will get worse in some ways, before we see them get better.
This is because it is something which ( by the time you start getting older ) is programmed into your brain.

People who fear that by relaxing drinking laws we are going to see even more loutish behaivour, drink related injuries / crime / embarisment(!), are probably right.... at least in the short term.
This is the kinda thing that will take more than one generation to sort out, if at all, after all it has been brewing for the past few ( I believe... ).

Just my swift half.....

Well, UK isn't the only place with troubles. I was in the Canaries a few weeks back and saw fights, people passing out from booze by 11pm on Saturday night; Spanish and French. Did see a few Brits fall over, but the local lads were as bad as our suburbanites here.

It's clear the booze firms, having withstood and removed prohibition once, have a very strong grip on many governments and are knwo to be amongst the biggest donors to the Drugs War campaigns.

Let's wait and see which one decides the future is not alcohol and swings some money the other way. Then the fireworks can begin :shrooms:
alcohol = downer (like Valium-type downer)

well alcohol is a poison.......

I do drink sometimes, UK drink culture tho' seems to be about forgetting your life is shit, the weather probably has a lot to do with that mindset.......

it's a pain killer really, stops you thinking as well - cannabis is a pain killer too, but it's not poisonous and it makes you think clearer - if you have problems, alcohol just makes it seem like they don't exist, wheras cannabis will work you thru them and make you realise things about your life and the world and how it all fits together.

When I think about some of the nights out and pub things I went to, the amount I drank is staggering - I can drink and smoke way more when I am doing it with other people. Compared to having a drink at home as I do now sometimes, I get the same effect now from a tiny amount of drink, compared to needing loads to get anywhere near that drunkenness years ago.

It's probably who you are with and where you are that has most to do with how a drug of any kind will affect you. The old Set and Setting - works for drink too!

I've found some real nice organic ciders, hemp beers, and even gin and vodka. Just now I'm into Wild Turkey Bourbon - with coke (not the lines, lol) or - wait for it - Irn Bru, or organic cokes or lemonades.......red wines are great too - get good labels tho', I mean that in a non-brand-name way - it's gotta be done right. I don't know many names or regions, but when you go buying them the good bottles look a certain way.
But all of these can have a cumulative negative effect - da weed included. It's particularly noticeable in some older uns. :grandad:

I can't be sure yet if this cumulation is due to the chemical alone or that and some seriously crap experiences in life.

One thing I do know though. 2004 has been the fullest year I have ever lived (apart from the last 24 hours of excess foruminginging ;) ) and the greatest source of that fullness parties. Reckon this year has been 3 in 1

The year before was 2½ in 1 and so forth since I started partying; each year end, :trippn: at some party, I stop and think 'This cannot get any better' and bleedin eck, it does. Thanks you pukka peeps, much respect
I then woke on monday morning feeeling like a new person

can't be that bad then dude :) sounds like it took you under then popped you out all fresh, an alcoholic rebirth ;)