Want to buy a 13 Moon Calendar?


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Im getting for myself and for a friend one of the Calendars from Brasil.

As the guys in Brazil still have many calendars left in stock and they are keen to distribute to help getting back the investments and also to accomplish the divulgation (this is the year of the big change of the calendar), I thought if some of you might be interested.

Why in portuguese? Apart of me being portuguese speaker, the calendar is very complete as I haven't seen around in London.. You get the calendar with 13 moons, a wall calendar, a pocket calendar, a pocket agenda, a 66 pages intructions book and that circle convertor of any date from gregorian to galactic date.

The price is R$25 brazilian reais which would be around £8 pounds plus the postage.

We are living now the Blue Crystal Storm year which finishes on 25/7.

I think it is a good deal if you r ok with portuguese..
Post me and we can arrange things..

Tchau Tchau..

Aline, blue hand 5!