Well... ello there, greetings!! :)


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Just wanted to say hello :)

Im a 17 years old norwegian boy, interested in miditation, music (psychedelic trance, psychedelic ambient and chillout, I also make some music :)) and some other things. This seems like a nice forum, and I'm glad to be a part of the community! :)

Guess I'm young, right? Anyways, I'm convinced that what you have got in your heads whats really counts... :)

Cheers from icy Norway ;)
Hello babe :welcome: to the forum.

I'm 35, and you're right, it's what's in your head that counts. I think our oldest member is 61 and he's got more energy than most of the young ones, he's OGPete, look out for him, he's wonderful. This is one community where age has become obsolete.

I used to have the same signature as you :D

hugs from changeable England

Age means nothing to most of us here, I'm over 30 going on for 16 :lol1:

Enjoy your stay. :cool: