Women singing not folk

I love this to death. For most of the track, she is simply repeating wedding vows, but her offbeat delivery, the lush, slightly retro textures and deceptively funky beat are utterly beguiling. I love the video as well. Just one problem - if anybody can tell me what it reminds me of, I will happily send cake. Driving me nuts!


im currently obsessed with this band

how this for a hectic video
Nerd reunion with buddies. We're were doing early nineties crunch (just eaten pizza to Houdini), now we're on alt nineties girls and matey mentioned Feed the Tree, but this was always my favourite Belly tune. Seems appropriate here.

Did I ever post this deceptively cute indie pop cut from a couple of years ago? I first heard it on Radio 6 in Cee's car on the way to Oxford, then again on the way back when I was spannered and just had to know what it was. So joyful.
