Hadn't realised things were still going on in this link - good to see..
Ken excelled himself the other night and I'm happily surprised to see
no backlash against him as yet.
saw the Diego Garcia prog - upsetting and outrageous...
Didn't see the Beslan school massacre program though
anyone want to fill me in? i.e. was it chechnyan muslim 'extremists'
or otherwise...
I wouldn't argue with anyone regarding the rise of christian fundamentalism
(good link for resources
looks like an interesting and relatively balanced forum so far...)
yet another bunch who see Secularism as 'Evil' whom I also would describe
as christofascist. I think Bush's very first post 9/11 statement refered to a 'crusade'...
To Quote RedZebra:
"Perhaps what is so problematic is the intimate relationship between religion and
politics in many Muslim countries." you are staring to touch on my main point here
I personally believe if humanity is to develop past it's current phase into something
more; then Secularism is pretty much the only way to go - I also believe this is under
threat - From a genuine re-surgence in fascist ideology / ideoligies
to quote Ott "It just disturbs me that so many of you seem to be accepting what you
are told without so much as a hint of scepticism - as if it is beyond question that
Islamic fanaticism is the source of all modern "evil" - yet again you polarize my argument
of course I am aware of the twisted and grossly simplified concepts the western media
and govt's are trying to instil in us the proletariat. Nobody that I can see on this forum
is mindlessly pointing their fingers at the muslim faith as the source of all evil - that's patently
absurd. These threads cite all the reasons why marginilised muslims exist but seem to deny that
this is fuelling the rise in "intractible islamofascist ideology" it does exist Ott; to seemingly
argue that it doesn't confuses me, as you are obviously an intelligent man...
thanks for the link to Godwins law it made me laugh out loud...