A CD matrix that never dies


Time to prime..
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I'm gonna fucking Cry.. :sob:

My cd case is fine, yet My mother fuckin DOUBLE DIPPED fuckin DATA PROTECTED shit fucking gay VERBATIM EXTRA-LONG-LIFE fucking cunt CD's just flake away like a fucking LEPPAR..


Why is it my commercially purchased CD's NEVER FUCKING FLAKE even after I FUCK THEM WITH A WIRE BRUSH???

What CD's (regardless the FUCKING PRICE) will ensure my music will live on past 2000 and FUCKING 5...??

There's a prize for the answer.

It's not the actual matrix, it's the data film that flakes. WTFFFFFFFFFF??

Iv'e had that happen a couple of times (i think).
On mine the foil stuff started bubbling up on the back of the CD and peeling off resulting in a loss of data.

Having said that, I do use cheap (£18/100) 'Mr Data' CD's.
Mostly they're fine. I thought it was caused by oil from fingerprints attacking the film and also thought that to prevent it happening, all I needed to do was to fit a label to protect the film. Not tried it yet though.
Oil on my fingers?! Y'mean my gal's totally toxic to CD's?


Never. Though all her burned CD's are fucked and flakey. Shit. :!:

Oh yeah. Stickies, I forgot, I bought those already, just forgot to keep sticking them on. :o

Shit me. Fuck. Arse. (In that order.) :blink:

Still, if anyone knows of the propper commercial CDs you can burn to - you'll get the prize.

Some have a real thin layer of like kit kat wrappers, which are cheap as f**k.

And some like the best TDK, are kinda laminated with a plasticy layer on top of the tin foil stuff, which are better.

Other than that best audio ones are "HHB" CDR's they are available from Digital Village, for about £2 each, and are what Pro studios use for demo's... I'm told !?

what prize ;) :D
Zaven said:
Still, if anyone knows of the propper commercial CDs you can burn to - you'll get the prize.

I'd love it if it were possible - but as far as I'm aware the process to make commercial CDs - starting with a 'glass cut' master where the 'pits' are literally etched into the disc surface can't possibly work the same way as CD-Rs do, which use a layer of ink to simulate the pits in a glass-cut CD.

No doubt some bright spark will come up with a way to at least get something close though. :)

Right, that would explaine alot... I'll just have to paste stickies on the top surface of the CD if it's gonna live to 3yrs+..
That, and back it all up on a removable HD.

I thought commercial CD's were etched with a laser from the underside - the usual method of burning. Perhaps they burn a little deeper into a more dense matrix film or something... :?

C($&ing C%$*..