The tape of 7/7 bomber...


oh go on, just one then..
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Currently Leipzig, Germany
...and why I think he's talking utter shite. This is personal opinion and not meant as shitstirring, or pro-government, pro-war ranting:

well, here's the transcript:

It's no longer possible for anyone to talk to him about his views, but if there is an after-life and he happens to pop by here, this is what i would have said in reply to some of his statements....

"I'm sure by now the media's painted a suitable picture of me, this predictable propaganda machine will naturally try to put a spin on things to suit the government"

--> ok, what is it you're doing then? you're telling me this tape and what you are about to spout off is not intended for propaganda use?

"Our religion is Islam - obedience to the one true God, Allah, and following the footsteps of the final prophet and messenger Muhammad... This is how our ethical stances are dictated."

--> and of course Islam dictates that you should kill and destroy innocent peoples' lives. this statement in itself is anti-islam propaganda. you are not doing your fellow muslims who want to live in peace a big favour here

"Your democratically elected governments continuously perpetuate atrocities against my people all over the world.
And your support of them makes you directly responsible, just as I am directly responsible for protecting and avenging my Muslim brothers and sisters."

--> how many muslims are killing muslims every day all over the world in conflict (including you killing some of 'your people' on that tube most likely)? so you think it is only our governments doing this? can this really be your justification? you are british, so it is also your democratically elected government.

"And until you stop the bombing, gassing, imprisonment and torture of my people we will not stop this fight"

--> Saddam Hussein amongst other muslim leaders was gassing, torturing and shooting his own people on a fairly regular basis. i don't see you avenging their deaths. try living under an oppressive regime and see.

sorry but this crap really gets my goat.

Does anyone have views on the actual content of this tape. I can't help feeling that it's down to a more general anger at society, which we all have, disguised as religious motivation? Or do you really believe he did it for the reasons stated? If you watch the tape, in the last part he stumbles over his words a bit, looks down and back up again and almost loses conviction in what he is saying himself.

I'm not trying to be offensive, his family and friends are obviously very shocked because it was apparently very out of character for him and they have lost a son, friend, cousin, brother, uncle....but really - do you buy this?
His family say that it doesn't sound at all like that guy they knew - and suspect that he'd been 'brainwashed'.

And quit ragging on Saddam Hussein. Yes he was a bastard, but that''s exactly why the US put him in charge in the first place. In concert with Great Britain, the US installed near-puppet regimes in Libya (prior to Gaddafi's takeover), Iran (The Shah was a *real* bastard) and, of course, Iraq.

The only thing that has changed for Iraqis these days is that the Americans are doing the torturing and killing directly rather than getting Hussein to do it for them.

Manipulation of the resources held within the Middle East have been high on the Western game-plan for years, and the human cost in that region has been borne disproportionately by Muslims. 'Al-Qaeda' simply combines a dose of that with a touch of the disaffection felt by most young men these days and inspires them to get their own back via acts of violence.

JPsychodelicacy said:
And quit ragging on Saddam Hussein. Yes he was a bastard, but that''s exactly why the US put him in charge in the first place. In concert with Great Britain, the US installed near-puppet regimes in Libya (prior to Gaddafi's takeover), Iran (The Shah was a *real* bastard) and, of course, Iraq.
you're right, only named him as one example of many. but he was still doing it. just as US/UK are doing it. surely he didn't have to, and i don't get where this fits in with this guy justifying killing a load of innocent people in london i guess.
Risky said:
you're right, only named him as one example of many. but he was still doing it. just as US/UK are doing it. surely he didn't have to, and i don't get where this fits in with this guy justifying killing a load of innocent people in london i guess.

What I'm asking is where does the buck stop? Saddam Hussein was a bastard, but we've wiped out tens, if not a hundred thousand innocent civilians or more in our efforts to depose him - do you really feel like arguing that it was worth the cost? That's going to make people angry, and angry people aren't likely to listen to us protesting that the opposition party would have been even more vociferously supportive of Bush's massacre.

We're less complicit than the extremists say we are - it was our government that ordered the attacks, but that doesn't really matter to them, just as people are dying over there just to get rid of Hussein.

And this is before we get into just how much we ruined these people's lives in the days of the Empire, and the days of the Cold War... these are government actions - but the people still suffered.

It is a really sad interpretation of Islam. I feel sorry for him taking his, and others, life under that delusion. It is a real shame religion can be construed to make people truly believe their actions are just, and that post humously they will be exonerated. Sad, sad, sad.
Oops - the other thing about Saddam was that while he was himself Muslim, as a leader he was avowedly secular, and notably he was viewed as an apostate by the clerics who underwrote 'Al-Qaeda'... they would have happily enacted regime change in Iraq if they had the manpower.

Anyhoo, Radical Islam is just the subtext - the real cause of this is the geopolitical struggle for resources in the Middle East, the propping up of regimes which repress their people (Saudi Arabia and Uzbekistan, to name but two) and the provision of weapons to Israel.
